Thursday, July 14, 2011


chipmunks have invaded the yard.  they've destroyed flowers in the gardens, have dug tunnels in the front and side yards, they jump onto the bird feeder and steal all the seeds.  hanover valley is overrun by the cute furry destructive monsters.  repellents were used, but the vermin kept right on rampaging.  a live trap was bought to snare the nasty little critters.  as of this posting, six have been caught, taken to various fields around town and set loose.  they sure do like apple slices coated with peanut butter dipped in bird seed.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


070311.  five years ago i was diagnosed with cancer.  it seems like eternity, it seems like yesterday.  i remember getting the phone call at work.  sitting down in shock.  browsing the web for information.  being confident, being upbeat.  weeks of tests, then chemotherapy.  side effects, complications.  i remember being scared, being wiped out, being unsettled.  more chemotherapy, radiation, transfusions, remission.  i remember the love, support, and encouragement from family and friends.  i remember it all clearly.  i remember.