Monday, March 29, 2010

the last week

Up to the sun, mountains out the window, breakfast at the eagle's club, off to A Mountain, hilly winding roads, cactus, an errant road runner, Old Tucson Studios, more sun, more hilly winding roads.  Cool night.

Eggs, bacon, toast, sunscreen, Zoo, casino, cool night. 

Breakfast, Price is Right, fortune cookie, Mt Lemmon, rain, fog, sleet, snow, altitude, nerves, rain and coffee, cool night.

Morning sun, bottled water, ghost town, border town, mining town, trail mix, long drive, cool night. 

Eggs, bacon, raisin toast, strikes, spares, gutter balls, hilly winding roads, A Mountain, Target, coffee, cool night. 

Eggs, bacon, toast, wild life, gift shops, Moai, salad, steak, chicken, slots, cool night. 

Cool morning, sun, luggage, ticket counter, security, boarding gate . . .

a third view from the bridge

The St Joseph's River in Mishawaka.

Friday, March 19, 2010

unlike me

Tomorrow I fly.  I am just beginning to pack.  Actually there is still a load of laundry going.  I am in the process of getting things together.  Usually I have things done by now and it's a waiting game.  Not this time around.  By the end of the day I should be packed, except for the lap top, which goes in the carry on.  The weather has been warm, shorts weather this week.  Flying out to Arizona, got plenty of shorts to wear for the week.  Just in time since the weather here is supposed to return to seasonal.  Spring starts tomorrow, so I can breathe a sigh of relief, another winter passes.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

wearing of the green

Lá Fhéile Pádraig* is a yearly holiday celebrated on 17 March. It is named after Saint Patrick (circa AD 387–461), the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland. It began as a purely Catholic holiday and became an official feast day in the early 1600s. However, it has gradually become more of a secular celebration of Ireland's culture.  Originally the color associated with Saint Patrick was blue. However, over the years the color green and its association with Saint Patrick's day grew.  Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century. He is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day. Then in the 1798 rebellion in hopes of making a political statement Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on 17 March in hopes of catching attention with their unusual fashion gimmick.  Today, Saint Patrick's Day is widely celebrated in America by Irish and non-Irish alike. Many people, regardless of ethnic background, wear green or orange colored clothing and items. So how did I celebrate?  With a Shamrock Shake from McDonald's of course!
*information obtained from wikipedia

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Last week the notice came in the mail.  The census is on the way.  Today it arrived.   I want to be counted.  I want to be a government statistic.  That said, I haven't filled out the form yet, maybe later, maybe tonight, more likely tomorrow.  I'm more excited about The Princess and the Frog being released on DVD.  After dinner tonight, there will be a purchase made.  I can fill out the census form while watching the movie!

Monday, March 15, 2010

the smell of freshly baked cookies

I slept in this morning.  Found it hard to wake up, harder to stay awake.  Once I managed to move about, headed out and got my eyes checked and a new pair of contacts.  Then home, to the couch, TV on, PC on, and fought to stay awake.  After lunch, fighting to stay awake, I decided to bake.  Chocolate chip cookies.  Guess what happened?  I woke up.  Fully alert.  There is something about the smell of freshly baked cookies that stimulates the senses.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

saving daylight

The weekend flew by.  Losing one hour for DST made the day that much shorter.  Got home around 2:00am which incidentally became 3:00am.  Time on Facebook, checking email and it was after 4:00am before heading off to bed.  Sleeping until 10:00am, a late start, touching up paint, sanding, staining, more Internet and soon it was evening, a quick bite to eat, a run through Target, movie night and a late blog entry and almost bed time.  More home improvement tomorrow, laundry, and packing for the trip.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


The week has been springlike.  Started out sunny and warm. Then cloudy and warm.  Now rainy and warm.  The forecast calls for more of the same through the next week.  I like it.  Tonight brings dinner, books, mochas together with friends.  Tomorrow I shall be going through my summer clothes (no, not to wear them here even though the weather has been nice), to launder and start packing for the trip to Arizona.  Also thinking about getting new contacts before the trip.  Raindrops, eyedrops.  Before then, I will enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

shake, rattle, roll

6:54pm it's raining, temperatures in the fifties, and what's that I hear?  Rolling, rumbling, rattling.  The rain was predicted on Tuesday, held off until today.  Last night went to dinner with friends, today met Shane for lunch, Steak and Shake and my latest crave, tropical punch shake.  Watching TV, refereeing the cats, and listening to the rain on a balmy winter night.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

these are the things

Cat food.  Socks.  Tshirt.  Long sleeve shirt.  Button down shirt.  Soft tacos.  Nachos.  Jump rope.  56 degrees.  Sun. Fog. Clouds. Rain. Internet.  Resume.  Facebook.  Sleep.  Ham and Cheese.  Doughnuts.  Bananas. Laundry.  TV. Daydreaming.

Monday, March 8, 2010

planes, trains, automobiles

This entry has to do with travel.  Tickets have been purchased for Tucson by air, New York City by rail.  Where does the car come into the picture?  Well in an indirect way.  One has to drive to pick up tickets from the station and motor to another city to depart.  Going to see parts of the country I haven't been to yet and I want to leave now!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

a very merry unbirthday

Going to have my own adventure down the rabbit hole tonight, in 3D no less.  Venturing to see the latest version of Alice in Wonderland and dinner afterward.  I have written previously about reading the books, have recently gotten the two soundtracks available, now to witness the extravaganza on the big screen.   Another day of sun and warmth, how wonderful.  I wonder how many days like this there'll be, appreciating it very much.  Had to get out, went and met Doug for coffee at the book store, then we met Shane for lunch, over to the Mall to wander a bit (and a stop at the Disney Store), home for a while before heading out for the evening.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The bridge over the river is closed for repairs until December.  That causes traffic to reroute onto the street I travel north/south on.  Of course there is rail work being done today, via a "slow moving train" and the street was closed at the crossing.  Causing another reroute of traffic.  It was a congested travel day through the streets.  I navigated home after lunch with Shane amid all the detours and heavy traffic.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

more of the same

Blue skies.  Sun.  Warmth.  I hope the trend continues.

Monday, March 1, 2010

cats and birds

SUN!!!  I see the sun.  Welcome to March, how wonderful.  It even seemed much warmer today than the temperature showed.  Up this morning, (want to say bright and early, but it wasn't early) continued with the laundry started saturday (and obviously finished today.)  In between folding, getting Rocco out of the dryer, getting Waffle out of the laundry basket, I heard a bird chirping.  Loudly.  I stopped, listened.  Then I heard the staccato rhythm of a woodpecker.  Loudly echoing down the chimney.  Cats in the laundry and birds in the chimney and sunshine, what a perfect day!!!
*not the actual birds.