Saturday, May 29, 2010

long week long weekend

The sun was/is out full force.  Temperature 70s, 80s.  The week seemed long, I really need to get a job.  It does help that I can get out in the yard and cultivate.  Memorial day weekend, great for running around.  Did laundry, pizza'd on Friday, got to the mall and bookstore today, Famous Dave's for ribs and chicken strips tonight oh, and sweet potato!  Tomorrow yard work, and more running.  Enjoy the weekend, enjoy the holiday!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The weather has taken a turn for the wurst.  Grilling weather.  Summerlike temperatures in the 80s, sunny, humid.  For those of you who aren't familiar, this is the kind of weather I thrive on.  I love being outside in the heat, sun.  Going for walks, enjoying the outdoors.  I have planted a small garden consisting of strawberries, green beans, and carrots.  This is my first foray into gardening.  Dinners have been made out on the grill.  Burgers, chicken.  Soon the freezer will be filled with things to grill.  Sitting on the patio in the evenings, enjoying the season.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Home.  A long train trip made even longer by delays.  First train out Friday got into Penn Station an hour early on Saturday.  The Gershwin Hotel on 27th Street and 5th Avenue provided accomodations for the stay.  Walk to Times Square, New York Pizza, Rockefeller Center, Empire State Building and surrounding neighborhoods.  The World of Disney Store is closed for renovations.  Sunday morning breakfast, Matinee Broadway performance of Hair, Havana Central Cafe for dinner, NYU, Union Square, Washington Square and Arch.  Monday Subways, Ferries, Liberty Island, Ellis Island, more Times Square, walking, subway rides, Greenwich Village.  Tuesday rains, shopping, raining, umbrellas, souveniers, subways, Grand Central Station, Central Park, rain, WTC, subways, coffee, milk, cookies.  Wednesday, check out, breakfast, walk the neighborhoods, Bryant Park, Herald Square, Flat Iron building, coffee, Penn Station, Amtrak, delays.  Home.

Friday, May 14, 2010

state of mind

T minus four hours fifty seven minutes thirty eight seconds and counting . . .

Amtrak.  Lake Shore. New York.  Five days.  Times Square.  Broadway.  Statue of Liberty.  Ellis Island.  Central Park.  Greenwich Village.  30 Rock.  Subway.  Midtown.  Grand Central.   Empire State.

T minus four hours fifty three minutes forty two seconds and counting . . .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

a drop in the bucket

It rained overnight.  Thunderstorms.  It rained this morning.  It was humid.  It was damp.  I had to pour the water out of the planters on the patio.  The flowers were drowning, the soil saturated.  The temperature rose, warmer.  Shorts weather again.  The sun actually came out.  A reprieve from the rain.  Flood watches and tornado watches remain. Steak and Shake for lunch, burger and a side salad.  Barnes and Noble, walking the mall, coffee and a pineapple corer later I am home, watching TV, thinking about dinner and New York City.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The past couple of days have been gloomy, eeyore days in my eyes.  Rainy, cool, overcast, dull.  Been spending the time as usual on the Internet, watching TV, reading, playing with the kitties, preparing for the trip to New York.  Leaving late Friday night on Amtrak, arriving in NYC Saturday evening.  Lots of things planned while there.  That is what motivates through days like this.  The weather seems to be stuck on drab, more rain and clouds in the forecast.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

harsh reality

Not so much harsh, not so much reality, almost a cruel joke.  One day shorts and a tee shirt.  The next day layers.  Cold.  Cold snap.  Frost and freeze warnings.  I will be taking all the plants and putting them in the garage to protect them.  Hot coffee flowing, keeping me warm.  Curled up on the couch, reading a book, TV on, mindless disaster movie showing.  Going out for dinner tonight, maybe catch a movie at the theater afterward.  Popcorn!  I just have to stay warm for the weekend, it's supposed to be back into the 70s by Monday again.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

everybody gets one

I have been going for walks through the neighborhood since I began my effort to lose all the weight I have put on since I moved.  I like walking the riverwalk, the Notre Dame campus, and around the house.  The roads around here are hilly, winding, make for a good walk.  With all the flowers blossoming, trees in bloom, it sure is a nice scenic area.  There are plenty of things to look at here.

Monday, May 3, 2010

fired up

Temperatures have been in the 70s, beautiful days.  Spending time outdoors, appreciating the warm weather.  Rain and thunderstorms are forecasted to roll in later today.  I hope it holds off for a while, want to grill out this evening.  Have chicken breasts marinating in a lemon pepper mixture, mixed vegetables wrapped in foil, to throw on the grill.  I'm fired up about firing up the grill before the storms fire up.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

one moment in time

I read about this earlier in the week, so I decided to participate.  I slept in this morning, early morning (4:00am) thunderstorms woke me up, didn't fall back asleep until after 7:00am.  Had ten minutes to spare.  Got Shane to participate also.  Headed outside into the backyard with iPhones in hand.  I took several pictures, as did Shane.  One of the Moai, one of some potted plants, and one of Waffle watching us snap pictures at precisely 11:00am EDT.  I chose to submit the picture of Waffle, subtitled Waffle in the morning.  I will be checking the site out to see the mosaic as it is compiled.