Friday, February 18, 2011


today's post is one out of frustration.  i am routinely and repeatedly applying for jobs.  not just jobs related to my area of expertise, but for any position, to get a little cash flow.  out of all the resumes i submitted for jobs, i have received three notifications from the companies i have applied at.  that is pathetic.  granted i do not like receiving rejection letters, i would appreciate a thank you for your interest in the position applied for letter.  there is no excuse for any company to not respond to an applicant.  that is what the human resource department should be doing.  that is their job.  why are they repeatedly failing to do their job?  it is equally as frustrating to receive letters stating that due to the volume of responses you have not been chosen for the interview process.  what criteria are they basing decisions on?  font style?  picture?  bribe?  seriously.  even more frustrating is reading that employers are not even considering hiring anyone out of work for over six months.  tens of thousands of people are desperate for work, but they are only looking for people currently employed.  WTF?


Ken Riches said...

It is a tough time and market now. I am sure that companies are inundated with applications and resumes. Hope as the spring breaks, there will be job fairs and opportunities to apply for real jobs. Hang in there, something will break soon.

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