Sunday, January 15, 2012

turning the page

winter has reared it's ugly head, snowstorm, frigid temps.  the part i don't like.  up to now it has been fairly mild, decent.  i've enjoyed the atypical weather.  a good friend of mine (hi beth!) had made a resolution to read 52 books within the year for 2011 and accomplished the feat and i was rather impressed, so i ascertained that i would try to read 52 books for 2012.  i will keep a list of the books i read and note my progress along the way sporadically.

1. anna dressed in blood by kendare blake - a wickedly good story of a ghost hunter and his quarry.
2. 11/22/63 by stephen king - an amazing take on the JFK assassination and the effects of history.
3. the fault in our stars by john green - a love story between two teenage cancer patients. (i just started this one today, but one chapter in and i'm enjoying it immensely.)

i have books lined up to read, so i should make some headway towards reaching my goal.  especially if the cold and snow continue.  nothing better than getting wrapped up and lost in a good story on a winters day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


'this is a year of fabulous fortune, especially in the career realm. you'll have the auspices of jupiter in taurus doing your bidding for the first half of 2012; during the year's second half, you'll have the lucky planet blessing your long-range goals and wishes. if that's not enough of a cosmic bonus, jupiter will also bring good things to your social life from july through the end of the year. Expect unprecedented party invites and new friends pouring into your life by the time summer arrives!'
~yahoo horoscope 2012

Could it be that i may actually find a job after all this time?  a real, pay me for working kinda job?  I have updated the resume once again, reformatted, different typeface.  a new year, a new font, a new job, a new age, a new me!