Monday, January 14, 2013


it was an incredibly warm weekend for january.  temperatures in the 50s.  nice.  started working on redoing a coffee table for the media room.  painted the base and legs with a granite treatment.  pictures of the entire project should appear at some point.  got a 3d blu ray player and disc (frankenweenie, a disney feature of course).  went out for breakfast then to a matinee of the impossible, an intense, riveting, devastating, heart wrenching, hopeful movie about the indonesian tsunami.  once the movie started, the theater became silent, no crinkling of wrappers or bags, the audience focused on the screen.  when the movie was done, outside it was getting cold, sleeting, and changing over to snow.  a quick stop for some groceries and home for the day.  baked some chocolate chip cookies and caught up with shows on the dvr.  temperatures are still falling.  guess winter is really happening.  damn.


Beth said...

Yes, it's certainly feeling that way, isn't it? Ugh.

Ken Riches said...

A productive weekend.

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