Monday, November 4, 2013

just one more day

shane and i returned to san diego for one last day.  checked into the king's inn on hotel circle.  cool older hotel.  went to eat at the burger lounge, all natural burgers, fries.  i drank a maine root ginger brew.  absolutely delicious.  my new favorite ginger ale.  available at whole foods!  i can buy it in south bend too!  met up with adam at top of the park to watch the sunset.  i had an orange mule.  it is orange cream vodka and ginger ale.  delicious.  i have since bought the orange cream vodka and always have ginger ale in the fridge, so i will indulge on ocassion!  returned to the hotel to change clothes, then met up with tim for margaritas at baja betty's.  then it was time to head back to the hotel since we had an early flight out. 

two weeks.  two wonderful, awesome, incredible weeks.  i loved all the places on our trip.  i would live in any one of them!  don't be too surprised if a future entry is all about moving out west!  i can dream.


Beth said...

So happy that you guys had such a great time!

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