Sunday, August 23, 2015

vacation planning

When making plans for vacation this year, Portland was a given.  I got the opportunity to choose the 2nd destination.  My thoughts specifically went to Disney.  My thoughts always go to Disney.  Then I started thinking about last years trip to the Catskills, Woodstock, Niagara Falls and what a cool trip it was.  I looked at the map to look for east coast locales.  I started thinking we would be on the west coast for one trip, we should be on the east coast for the other.  Shane and I were going to be flying out to Portland then drive back to South Bend.  The idea of driving out east intrigued me since we would be driving across the North American Continent.  I looked to see how far east we could go. One of the first places that caught my eye was Nova Scotia.  I texted Shane my idea, which at first he thought I was joking.  I explained how I made the choice, and he was all for it.  Decision made.  We were going to drive out to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.


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