Monday, September 21, 2015


The last weekend of summer was sunny and warm, blue skies, light breeze, perfect for a trip to the zoo. Since Shane and I both have annual passes, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and wander the zoo.

Sonam -Sichuan Takin 

Miss Wiggles - Barn Owl



Amur Leopards


Red Panda

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

fun indeed

weekends have just gotten better (by my standards, at least).  ABC Family channel has started running Fundays on the weekends, showing Disney movies.  Over the past weekend, in between cleaning, and running about, I managed to watch Cars, Cars 2, Ratatouille, Tangled, and Tarzan. Those who know me know I love watching Disney flicks!  So as long as I'm home on the weekend, the TV will be showing Disney, unless The Walking Dead and Talking Dead are on (which is as much fun, if not more than my animated favorites!)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

weekend plans

it is labor day weekend.  nice, sunny, hot weather.  going to go to the simonton lake drive in for dinner tonight before they close up for the season.  I love summer, and watching the season ease into fall makes me kind of unsettled, but i will adjust to wearing pants and long sleeves again.  we are also going to go to new buffalo to oink's ice cream at some point because I can't think of a better way to celebrate the unofficial end to summer.  house cleaning and preparations for a rather lively fun upcoming event round out the weekend plans.  Shane and I will work in a stop at jeannie's house, our favorite diner for breakfast also, that's a weekend tradition.  go out and enjoy your holiday weekend!  I know I will!

****update 12:30pm

storms have developed and are rolling through, rain, wind, lightning, thunder.
still enjoying the weekend!