Sunday, October 4, 2009

highs and lows

Spent the last couple of days acquainting myself with my surroundings, slowly unpacking and settling into a routine. All has been going well. While I have been familiarizing myself, one of the cats, Peanut, has been slowly deteriorating healthwise and it's been a hard thing to watch. She had diabetes and stopped eating just about a week ago. She has been to the vet and received subcutaneous fluids, but her kidney and liver functions were starting to fail. On Friday, she started to become lethargic, and stumbled around while walking. By Saturday, she had absolutely no coordination and just layed on the cool tile, panting. I picked her up and held her for several hours until Shane got home from work and we took her to the emergency pet clinic. The Vet seemed concerned about her liver function, but felt she could recover with additional fluids and nutrients. We left her there with the intent of picking her up Monday morning. Early today, the clinic called, and Peanut had gone into cardiac and respitory failure while receiving treatment. Shane and I drove to the facility and were able to spend a few moments with her. I find that words can not accurately describe the experience, but having the experience helped to deal with the passing, especially for Shane, who had Peanut since she was just a kitten, 12 years. It has been a weekend of extremes.


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