Thursday, January 21, 2010


This is Waffle.  She is about one year old, five pounds, six ounces and today she found a home.  She showed up on Shane's cousin Beth's deck about a week ago and has been living here ever since.  Beth didn't want to encourage the kitty, so she tried to ignore her, hoping she would move on.  Seeing her, how can you not want to hold her, pet her?  Waffle is a friendly kitty, purrs when being petted, loves getting scratched behind the ears.  A week later, we went and got her, took her to the vet, she's getting accustomed to her new home now.  Such a sweet, pretty kitty.


Beth said...

Oh, she was irresistible. If you guys hadn't wanted her, I would have figured something out. This cat deserved much more than to be abandoned, and I would have made sure that she was not left out to starve and die. She is just a little doll, and I'm so happy she found a home with you!

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