Sunday, February 28, 2010

fridays, saturdays, sundays

The weekend is going by fast.  It has been busy, fun, relaxed, noisy.  Glued to the TV, olympics, earthquakes, tsunamis.  Starbucks, wandering the mall, bookstores, driving Main Street during a burst of snow.  Dinner with friends, incredible musical performance, drinks, vanilla bean cheesecake.  Going uptown for breakfast, northeast for cereal, checking houses, housework, laundry and movie night with friends.  I said it was busy, fun, relaxed, noisy.

Friday, February 26, 2010

every other day

Snow missed.  Phew!  Well that storm did.  Another on the way, looking to get one to three inches starting tonight.  It can miss too.  Not liking the winter all that much right now, too cold, too dreary, too snowy.  I say that every winter.  Been reading, watching TV, refereeing the cats, playing on the Internet, looking for jobs, day dreaming, keeping warm.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Books, magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs.  I read.  and read.  and read.  Currently I have a backlog of about 20 books stacked.  I have two magazine subscriptions, Entertainment Weekly and D23 (Disney).  I follow several websites and blogs to keep me informed.  I wonder if there is work out there for an avid reader, get paid to do something I enjoy doing.  I'll have to research the Internet on the topic.  Another snow event heading this way, lake effect too.  Let it snow, I've plenty to read.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

course of the day

Wake up.  Breakfast.  Shower.  Talk to Tim and Julia while at Disney.  Make the bed.  Print resume.  Mail resume.  Watch HGTV.  More HGTV.  Lunch.  Facebook.  HGTV.  Read.  Friends.  Feed Cats.  Dinner.  Facebook. iPhone applications.  Olympics.  Yawn.  Bed time.

Monday, February 22, 2010

after the storm

Got up and immediately headed to the window.  Snow, heavy, wet.  Shortly before midnight the snow changed to rain.  Sometime after I went to bed it switched back.  Grabbed cereal, threw on my jacket, shoveled.  Yes, snow, heavy, wet.  Pushed more than threw.  Took Waffle to the veterinarian for a booster shot.  Roads were clear, driving decent.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

on a sunday

It turned out to be a lazy day even though some things got accomplished.  Up and out for breakfast, a stop at the hardware store, and a run through the car wash.  Sitting on the couch became napping on the couch.  Did some reading later, then pork chops and mashed potatos and facebook and waiting to head over for movie night.  So much done and not enough.  Snow moving in again, looks like a Winter week, storm then lake effect lingering for days.  Seems to be raining out now, so it begins.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

a second view from the bridge

St Joseph River in Mishawaka approximately one month later.

Friday, February 19, 2010

part of the cycle

Sun!  Two days now!  Temperatures in the forties!  Each day gets me closer and closer to warmth!  This time of year I get anxious for Spring.  To keep myself distracted, did laundry, applied for jobs, read some, watched TV.  Pizza's in the oven, getting ready to curl up on the couch and continue what I've started today.

dollar signs

$100+ for groceries.  $300+ for car insurance.  $1 scratch off.  You'd think I was made of money or something the way it's being spent.  For what its worth, the food will last for a couple of weeks, the insurance six months.  no winning lottery ticket.  On the way back from the store, drove through a number of police cars with lights flashing, police patroling the creek along side the roadway. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

in effect

Snow.  A good three inches over night.  After I motivated and the flurries dwindled, I shoveled.  The plows came by as I was at the bottom of the driveway.  It didn't snow again until this evening.  Lake effect warnings until tomorrow morning, two to four inches.  Not liking that too much.  However, I did like my burger and fries for dinner.  Not liking that I'll have to shovel more.  Liking the exercise, just not liking exercising.

Monday, February 15, 2010

days go by

Ran around the weekend.  Book store, Disney store, Pizza buffet, Book store.  Had planned on going to see The Wolfman at the movie theater but decided not to.  Car show in Chicago, rode the South Shore and dinner in the city.  Trader Joe's was giving out bunches of roses, grabbed one, the cats attacked once in the door, funny.  Weekend went fast, I'm moving slow, going out for food once motivated.

Friday, February 12, 2010

fun facts for the day

In 1932 Walt Disney won a special Academy Award for creating Mickey Mouse.

The Little Mermaid was first considered to be made into a movie in the late 1930s.

The largest parking structure in the world is located at the Tokyo Disney Resort.

Fantasound was an innovative stereophonic sound system created especially for Fantasia.

Some of the sets used in Monsters Inc were also used in Toy Story.

In Pinocchio Honest John's full name is J. Worthington Foulfellow.

Traditionally portrayed in the theater as a flying ray of light, Tinker Bell was first personified as a winged pixie by one of Peter Pan's animators, Marc Davis.

Seven different video games have been produced based on the movie Aladdin.

*all information and images provided and copyrighted by WDC.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

phone calls

The phone rang.  First it was the veterinarian, checking on the kitty.  The phone rang and whoever it was hung up when I answered.  The phone rang and it was someone inquiring about my resume.  I had a phone interview set up for later in the day.  The phone rang at the scheduled time.  I answered it.  Standard generic questions, typical generic responses.  A half hour later the mention of a possible phone call or email.  Burger and fries for dinner, shopping afterward, a new chair to sit on, groceries and now watching TV, and checking messages on the phone.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

more of the same

Looking out the window this morning, white.  I had to shovel again.  The wind was whipping the snow around, which wasn't much, just enough.  The storm gave about 8 inches of snow all together.  The lake effect didn't occur, no additional snow fall.  The roads were fine to drive to get the cat from the vet.  She's doing well, already wandering and exploring and napping around the house.  Last night went out to dinner with Shane and Doug to our favorite Tuesday night hangout, Hacienda.  I had a steak fajita salad.  (and a margarita, but don't tell anyone.) I slept through the earthquake this morning.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

weather or not

Inches and inches of snow.  It is supposed to continue through tomorrow.  Lake Effect.  This morning the drive to the veterinary clinic was slow going, roads were snow covered.  Waffle is being spayed and declawed.  She is through surgery, doing fine, staying at the clinic overnight, get to pick her up tomorrow morning.  Driving through the snow again.  Since I was out, stopped at Target and Starbucks on the way back.  Home, shoveled, laundry'd, Scott stopped by and finished the work inside and out.  Time to touch up the paint on the walls.  Actually, time to shovel the drive again.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Maybe it has to do with riding the teacups with the MadHatter and Alice, maybe it has to do with my love of reading, maybe it is because of my vast imagination, maybe it had to do with the upcoming movie, maybe all of the above, maybe none of that, whatever it is, I am immersed in Wonderland.  On recent trips to the book store I have acquired reading materials related to my interest.  First the original, then the retelling, finally the extension.  I have searched the Internet to familarize myself with the topic.  I want to buy lawn ornaments next. 

Friday, February 5, 2010


Cat tales.

Scott (human) the handyman was over the past few days working around the house (the reason why I was waiting yesterday).  Trim around the fireplace, in the sliding glass door room, the desk room; changing out locks on the front and back doors; rehanging a closet door; framing out a window; among other things.

Boris (feline) took the noise and distraction in stride, resting in her spot under the end table "the cave", occasionally checking out what Scott was working on; getting drinks from the water dish; hissing at the other cats and me.

Rocco (feline) became frightened.  The wild child hid.  Under the bed for awhile.  In the closet.  In the sink.  Behind the dryer.  I spent the last 30 minutes Scott was here holding a trembling cat.  That surprised me.

Waffle (feline) aka walnut, waffleO, buffalo, muffin, nutter kept to her spot on the kitchen chair "the perch" most of the day, eating scraps of food, caterwauling and rolling around on the floor.  The concensus: she's in heat.

Me (human), chatted with Scott, played on the Internet, ran to the mall, bought books, didn't buy snowglobes, had a mocha, saw an accident, watched TV, decided not to do laundry and had a pretty good day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Alarm set for 8am.  Got out of bed early, showered, dressed, flicked on the TV and waited.  10:05am playing on the Internet, a car horn.  No, the jeep horn.  I must have hit the panic button.  Grab the keys and start pushing the lock, unlock, panic.  I panic.  10:10am the jeep horn blares.  10:11am outside, hood open, looking for something to disconnect.  Something, anything.  10:12am underneath the Jeep looking for something to jiggle, pull on, break.  10:13am silence.  It just stopped, could it have been my cussing?  Whatever I did, it worked.  10:15am back on the couch.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

today is tuesday

It snowed today.  I had to shovel.  I am not complaining, it is exercise.  There wasn't a lot of snow, just enough to spend some time outdoors.  The groundhog saw his shadow in Pennsylvania.  Here he wouldn't have.  Winter is long enough, don't need an additional six weeks of it.  Spent time online.  Reading, surfing, applying.  Had the TV running.  Ventured out tonight for dinner, had grape margaritas, chicken burrito, cheese soup, chips and salsa.  The cats are talking and three shows recorded to watch, going to be a busy morning.

Monday, February 1, 2010

paper trail

Started completing my tax returns for 2009.  Got all the paperwork (W-2s, W-9s) to begin the process.  I am surprised and shocked by what my income for the year ended up being.  I'll be surprised if I get a refund.  Cleaned the kitchen completely, scoured counter tops, sinks, swept, vaccuumed, mopped yesterday.  Had a burger and fries for dinner before heading out for movie night.  Other than looking for work, not much else happening today, getting ready to start dinner, maybe pick up a book, or just stare at the TV for the evening.  Yay, I made it through January!!!