Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the web


I have found out that I do not like them very much, they creep me out. 

One night I felt like something was watching me, looked up, and on the wall over my head was the largest spider I have seen or encountered.  My general rule is as long as they are out of arms length from me, they live.  In this case I couldn't.  I had to get rid of the nasty spider. 

There is a spider in the jeep.  It continuosly spins a web over the dashboard and steering wheel.  I have not been able to locate it to exterminate. 

I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner when I saw a good sized spider crawling across the side of the refrigerator.  It had a very distinct white spots on its body.  It scared the hell out of me and I scrambled into the living room.  I searched the Internet to see what kind of spider it was.  The Phidippus Audax, a common jumping spider.  I went back into the kitchen to see if I could find it.  I did.  Crawling on my leg.  I screamed, swatted, missed.

Several days later I was riding in Shane's car.  We were picking up supplies and things for the move.  Guess what?  There was a spider with distinct white spots crawling up my leg onto my knee.  I screamed, tried to flick the damn thing out the window, but didn't succeed.  Frantically I searched the area to find the spider, found it on the floor, stepped on it.

Ick.  Spiders.


RambleRedhead said...

Certain bugs give me the creeps too!

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