Friday, August 27, 2010

a view from the bridge again

The St Joseph's River in Mishawaka.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

writing (or lack of)

I haven't been in the mood to write much lately, posts have been dwindling, content has been slight.  Not sure if it's writer's block, loss of interest, lack of inspiration, laziness.  I do think about getting something going and that's just about how far I get.  I think changes are needed, to get me writing consistently again, more substantial entries.  Have no fear, I will post in the mean time when the need/mood strikes.  I'm still taking a picture a day, unpacking the house, lounging on the couch, looking for a job, hanging out with friends, cats, cleaning the pool.  Oh you should see me wrestle with the pool vacuum.  Never realized you needed to be coordinated to work one of those things.  I do drop a mean chlorine tablet into the filter though.  Feeling great, no aches, pains, phantom discomforts.  Enjoying the lazy days of Summer, starting to want it to last forever (a sign that Fall is encroaching.)  That's about it for now, more when I give more. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

oh ah Atomic

Tonight I am going to get lucky.  Going to see a concert at the Horseshoe Casino.  Get to sit down at slot machines too.  How awsome is that?  I dubbed thee mattAtomic at one time for two varied reasons.  Most know it for the chemicals associated with the treatments for Lymphoma I went through.  The little known fact is one of my all time favorite songs happens to be called Atomic, sung by, you guessed it, Blondie!  Now it all makes sense.  Shane, Beth, and I will be taking a trip, grooving to the sounds of the casino, and rocking to the music.  It's a win, win, win situation for me!  How lucky can you get?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

clean and clear

The pool.  Many gallons of shock and acid were used.  Many hours of running the filter were used.  Many thoughts of will it ever go from cesspool (the condition it was left in) to swimming pool (the current condition it is in) were thought.  Now to maintain for the weeks remaining until swimming season is done for the year.  Fun.  Not so much fun.  It's a fine balance, much like the pH.  So easy, so complex.  It makes my head swim.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Days go fast.  Settling into the new home.  Things are getting unpacked.  Things are getting done.  After ten days, there is finally Internet, Phone, Home Security. (I felt lost and empty without the Internet, so much nicer being connected.)  New appliances have arrived, some need to be installed (next week).  The pool goes from a green shade to a blue shade to a murky pale shade on a daily basis.  Working on getting cool clear water continues.  I am bound and determined to get the pool functioning while there is still warm weather.  Tearing out weeds, plants, trees (well one tree actually) in the yard.  Picking colors for each room, dreading removing the borders in the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Oh yeah, I celebrated another birthday during the week.  Mexican food and margaritas with a good bunch of friends.  Things are coming together nicely.

Monday, August 2, 2010

in between

By and large the move went well.  Well, it went perfect to be exact.  Started out at 9:00am Saturday with a good old fashioned coffee and donut social.  Then the loading of the moving truck began.  Two truckloads and it was lunch time, sloppy joes, chips.  Another truckload and a half later things were pretty much finished.  5:00pm.  No dilemnas, no hassles.  Closing on the current house occurred on Friday, signed, sealed, no issues.  Closing on the new house was scheduled for early today.  It did not happen.  Still processing paperwork.  Luckily the homestead is still in the possession until Midnight Tuesday.  If everything goes as planned, the door to the current house will close for the last time tomorrow evening.  Until then, I sleep on the bare floor at one house while the belongings cover the floor space of the new house.