Thursday, August 26, 2010

writing (or lack of)

I haven't been in the mood to write much lately, posts have been dwindling, content has been slight.  Not sure if it's writer's block, loss of interest, lack of inspiration, laziness.  I do think about getting something going and that's just about how far I get.  I think changes are needed, to get me writing consistently again, more substantial entries.  Have no fear, I will post in the mean time when the need/mood strikes.  I'm still taking a picture a day, unpacking the house, lounging on the couch, looking for a job, hanging out with friends, cats, cleaning the pool.  Oh you should see me wrestle with the pool vacuum.  Never realized you needed to be coordinated to work one of those things.  I do drop a mean chlorine tablet into the filter though.  Feeling great, no aches, pains, phantom discomforts.  Enjoying the lazy days of Summer, starting to want it to last forever (a sign that Fall is encroaching.)  That's about it for now, more when I give more. 


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