Friday, August 13, 2010


Days go fast.  Settling into the new home.  Things are getting unpacked.  Things are getting done.  After ten days, there is finally Internet, Phone, Home Security. (I felt lost and empty without the Internet, so much nicer being connected.)  New appliances have arrived, some need to be installed (next week).  The pool goes from a green shade to a blue shade to a murky pale shade on a daily basis.  Working on getting cool clear water continues.  I am bound and determined to get the pool functioning while there is still warm weather.  Tearing out weeds, plants, trees (well one tree actually) in the yard.  Picking colors for each room, dreading removing the borders in the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Oh yeah, I celebrated another birthday during the week.  Mexican food and margaritas with a good bunch of friends.  Things are coming together nicely.


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