Saturday, September 25, 2010


The American Library Association's Banned Books Week runs from Sept. 25 through Oct. 2 this year. It was established in 1982 as a tribute to writers, their works, and the US Constitution that guarantees freedom of expression. I happen to love reading, one of my favorite pastimes, besides lounging, napping, snacking, TV watching, dancing, laughing, losing train of thought, etc. I have a stack of about 40 books I plan to read, visit the book store on a weekly basis, and add to the pile frequently. Currently I am reading Crashers by Dana Haynes, a thriller about plane crash investigators. The premise piqued my interest, reading it completely pulled me into the action and suspense. I couldn't imagine not being able to escape into words and imaginary worlds, or be told what I can and cannot read.


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