Monday, September 13, 2010

worker bee

It was an experience.  I attended an Apple hiring event today.  It was by invitation only, I submitted my resume several weeks ago and the company contacted me.  There were about forty people assembled at the local Hilton Inn for the occasion.  Upon checking in, we were herded down a hallway leading to the conference room.  Along the way there were Apple employees cheering, applauding, high-fiving.  Maddening.  Once settled into our seats, name tags prominently displayed, employee introductions made, the event got under way.  Everyone present was expected to participate.  First a brief slide presentation on Apple (company and products).  Discussion.  Then eveyone got paired up.  The object of the exercise, meet and interview your "new friend" and introduce them to the group.  The interview consisted of three things: name, unique characteristic, what they like about Apple.  My "new friend" liked to talk about herself.  Maddening.  All the while this was going on, the Apple employees wandered around the room, clipboard in hand, writing things down.  Maddening.  Then time for the introductions.  Then another slide presentation about positions available within Apple.  More discussion.  Then another exercise.  Everyone was divided into groups of five (my "new friend" was included in my group).  There was a dice with a question on each side.  Everyone had to roll the dice and answer the question that came up.  I learned more about my "new friend" when it was her turn, even though she really didn't directly answer the question.  After that there was forms to fill out, some last minute instruction, and the event concluded.  With cheers, applause, high-fives.


Beth said...

Haha, I loved hearing about this strange interview experience! I don't know how you kept from cracking up!

The bee picture turned out really well! He was a handsome fellow.

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