Monday, November 15, 2010

not ready for the cold and snow

Days have been pretty warm as of late, 60s, close to 70.  Cools down at night.  That all changed.  Rain pushed through this weekend, temperatures dropped.  There's snow in the forecast.  You'd think I would be used to this by now, but no, I am not.

Saturday the Apple store opened, so a number of us went to the mall to witness it.  It was busy, hectic, noisy (Apple!, Apple!, Apple!), chaotic.  It's only a store.  I could understand if it was the Disney store, but even then . . .  Apple! Apple! Apple!  (I think I'm still traumatized by the whole hiring event.) While at the mall I got books (one fiction, one recipe), CDs (rock and pop).  Then browsed electronics at Best Buy, snacked on doughnuts at Krispy Kreme, stocked up the freezer at Sam's Club.

I am going to start painting the Disney room!  It's really a reading room/guest room that will have all of the Disney stuff on display.  Fun color choices, interesting design.  It's going to be a lot of work to get it done, but I'm looking forward to the adventure (and more forward to it being completed!).

Saturday, November 6, 2010

halls and hallways and other things thrown in

I've been meaning to post for a few days now but have let the days get away from me.  Since Trick or Treat (which I completely enjoyed, even though there were only 11 kids, my favorite a little girl dressed as Red Riding Hood) Shane and I have been working on the house.  More rooms painted.  Now there's evening twilight, sachet (guest room), honey beige, useful brown, brickhouse (kitchen, dining room), sage (foyer, hallway) on the walls.

Yesterday (that being Friday) we travelled to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland with Beth, met up with her sisters, brother-in-law, and niece.  What a great place.  I found myself caught up in all the displays of memorabilia, loved the scraps of paper with song lyrics, outfits worn on stage and in video, the instruments that artists forged their craft on.  There was so much to look at.  I had a blast.
The day started out bright and sunny, cold and rainy in Cleveland.  Snow too.  Once back closer to town noticed snow on the ground. Got home, settled in, lounged on the couch, surfed the Internet.  Read how bad the roads were around the area, numerous accidents, road closures.  Crazy.

Lounging today, laundry, lazy.  Tonight dinner and a chorus line.