Monday, April 5, 2010


This post is about two things really. Tact and the trip to Chicago to see Beauty and the Beast. Started out early, 8:30am, driving to the airport to catch the train. 9:05am the train sets off for Chicago. Across the aisle from where I was, there was a woman on her cell phone. She was having a conversation with the train car and her mother. I am going to be tactless at this point. She was arguing that she was up on her boy tight and you know she couldn't catch the train the night before, so she wouldn't get to town in time to go to church. After she hung up, she called someone else. How did the conversation start? (Being tactless again.) "Happy Easter Bitch". The entire trip this woman proceded to call people and speak to everyone in the train. Shane and I were highly entertained by the Easter greeting. We arrived in Chicago, had a few hours to waste, ate a nice breakfast, shopped, wandered the riverwalk, then made our way over to the theater. Sitting stage right, had great seats. Next to me was a woman and her daughter. I don't know which one behaved worse. The woman sent text messages throughout the entire performance, I was distracted by the glowing screen in my peripheral vision, ate snacks, constantly crinkling the bag and drinking water, while her daughter talked constantly, climbed on the chairs, and whined about being bored. Next to Shane there was a little girl who constantly fussed, fidgeted, kicked, and complained. The girl in front of me decided she didn't like the show and spent most of it looking at people in the audience instead of paying attention. Not one of the parents attempted anything to change their childrens behavior. The show was incredible. I enjoyed the performance very much. The music was entertaining, the story amazing. I can't wait to see the Lion King when it comes to Chicago in the Fall! Afterward, we had dinner, then caught the train back, arriving home about 10:00pm. I had a wonderful time among the beasts!


Beth said...

What a shame that a show you enjoyed so much was somewhat spoiled by the bad behavior of your fellow theater-goers. That kind of thing really irritates me, because if I pay good money for such a ticket, I don't want to be subjected to such noise and irritation from the crowd! Glad you enjoyed your trip, though!

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