Friday, April 23, 2010


I haven't mentioned things going on with the body.  I had follow ups with all my doctors and everything is going well, I am doing fine  (Platelets low as usual, but not too low to be concerned).  Since I moved, I still have all my doctors in Milwaukee.  After months of procrastination, I have finally decided to switch doctors.  I have gotten recommendations from the ones back in Milwaukee for doctors here, so I won't feel too awkward making the change.  Establishing a new doctor/patient relationship is always a traumatic experience for me, but I will manage.  I have gained a considerable amount of weight since moving and have begun making the effort to lose and get back to a comfortable level.  I have started counting/watching calories, limiting fast food and snacks, exercising a bit.  It feels good to get tuned up for Spring/Summer!


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