Friday, June 18, 2010

blue moon, green skies

Hot and humid today.  Sun gave way to storms.  The remnants of a severe thunderstorm is still making noise as I type.  Went to the drive in for dinner, hamburger, fries, and a shake.  I had a blue moon.  While eating, Shane and I watched the storm move closer.  We finished eating, then headed out.  Drove west, to the leading edge of the storm.  First the sky was dark, turned aqua, then green.  We turned toward home.  The rain started, the wind kicked up.  Saw trees down in the road, on parked cars.  Pulled in the driveway, lightning bugs lighting the yard, ran for the door, and into the house.  Power went out, started up, rain, lightning, thunder, wind.  The skies have lightened up now, still raining, occasional rumble of thunder, the worst has moved through the area.  I wonder if the fireworks downtown will still be shown tonight.


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