Friday, June 4, 2010


Today is National Doughnut Day!  So I had to celebrate.  Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts both were offering a free doughnut.  No DD's in the area, so KK's got the business.  A doughnut (lemon cake) and a mocha.  Enjoyed it. Watched the process of making the doughnut from rising, frying, glazing, to boxing.  I was so compelled to buy a dozen just because!  Sour Cream, Blueberry, Chocolate, Original, Lemon.  Happy National Doughnut Day!

(They should give me a job.)

(No they shouldn't.  I'd eat way too many.)

(four days into the month and every picture taken so far has been of food.)

(Doughnut or Donut?)

Now I want another.


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