Sunday, June 13, 2010


(word play on weekend.)

Just like last weekend, storms moved through the area on Saturday night.  All around there were severe weather warnings except here in the city.  As the storm passed, it wasn't as threatening as it had been.  After it went on by, it built back up.  Shane, Doug, and I watched the storm while dining on a "Porky the Pie" pizza with "Hippie" crust.  Ham, Sausage, Pepperoni, Bacon, and Mushrooms on a whole wheat crust.  It was very tasty, very delicious, very decadent.  Afterward, we headed out for a movie (Shrek Forever After) and ice cream (Kit Kat Concrete Mixer).

Last Weekend Shane and I were at the pet store buying cat food and litter.  We always check out the kitties looking for homes while there.  There was an adorable Seal Point Siamese with slightly crossed eyes that caught both of our attention.  The next day we both admitted that he had really made quite an impression.  We went back to look at him again and he had just been adopted by a family with kids.  We both said we would have gotten him had he been there.  We spoke to the kitty adoption people about what a remarkable cat he was.  The woman took Shane's name and number.  Earlier this week, Shane got a phone call.  The cat was available if he wanted him.

His name is Buford.  He joined the household this weekend.


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