Monday, August 2, 2010

in between

By and large the move went well.  Well, it went perfect to be exact.  Started out at 9:00am Saturday with a good old fashioned coffee and donut social.  Then the loading of the moving truck began.  Two truckloads and it was lunch time, sloppy joes, chips.  Another truckload and a half later things were pretty much finished.  5:00pm.  No dilemnas, no hassles.  Closing on the current house occurred on Friday, signed, sealed, no issues.  Closing on the new house was scheduled for early today.  It did not happen.  Still processing paperwork.  Luckily the homestead is still in the possession until Midnight Tuesday.  If everything goes as planned, the door to the current house will close for the last time tomorrow evening.  Until then, I sleep on the bare floor at one house while the belongings cover the floor space of the new house.


Beth said...

I hope all goes well tomorrow! have a place to stay if you need it! :)

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