Monday, October 18, 2010

room for improvement pt II

The guest room.  Evening Twilight and Sachet.  Grays that are not gray.  Still better than the light green the walls were painted and the hideous floral border along the ceiling.  Got the paint Friday evening.  Started Saturday morning.  By mid-afternoon the second coat was being applied.  I was finishing up the last wall, just had to paint along the ceiling and the corners when I noticed dark spots all over the carpeting.  It took a few moments for me to realize I had walked in paint and was tracking it through the room.  I checked the bottom of my shoes and sure enough.  I removed my shoes immediately.  Tried blotting paint off the carpeting.  I made it worse.  I was finished for the day.  I meant to pick up the brush on Sunday, it didn't happen.  I said I would finish painting today.  It didn't happen.  Tomorrow.  (yeah, like that's going to happen.)  I have researched online to see how to remove paint from carpeting.  I have a few options.  The goal is to get the room done this week so I can start on another next week.


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