Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Hallow's Eve

Astronaut.  I'm going to be an astronaut.  Going to hand out candy to the hellions.  Shane and I decided it would be fun to give out treats to those kids that dare ring the doorbell and shout out "TRICK or TREAT!"  I decided I have to dress up in costume.  A local company was sponsoring a contest on their Facebook page and the winner would receive $25 worth of candy. All you had to do was post a picture of anything relating to Halloween on the page to enter.  I dressed as an astronaut.  Shane snapped a picture.  Uploaded.  Of all the pictures posted, votes from viewers would determine the winner.  I must thank Shane, Doug, Beth, Ken, Tom and myself for voting.  I won with six votes!!!  I want to keep the goodies for myself.  Kit Kats, M&Ms, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Bars, Milky Ways, Snickers, Three Musketeers, Twix Bars, Yum.  Hopefully the doorbell won't ring too often during the two hour ritual.  Happy Hauntings.


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