Monday, December 6, 2010

flurry of activity

Friday.  Shane, his dad John, Bill and I celebrated the son and the father's birthdays.  Fine dining.  Filet, Sweet Potato, Green Beans, Creme Brulee.  Delicious.  Saturday.  After a slow start, some laundry, bench assembly completed.  Despite the weather, a drive into Chicago for dinner and a concert.  Starbucks close early in Chicago by the way.  The drive back started out fine, got windy, rainy, snowy, fine again.  Sunday.  Blueberry muffins.  Shopping.  New ornaments.  New pants.  New hangers.  Some snow.  Some shoveling.  More shopping.  Nothing new.  Monday.  Job search.  Laundry done.  More snow.  More shoveling.  More snow.  More shoveling.  More snow.


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