Thursday, December 30, 2010

that was fast

come and gone.  in the blink of an eye.  seems like it only just got started.  I could carry on but I think I made my point.  the year is over.  so much to ponder.  so much to wonder.  427+ jobs applied for.  100+ margaritas.  45+ days packing.  3+ days moving.  nyc.  tucson.  milwaukee.  chicago.  devo.  blondie.  cats.  lion king, beauty, beast.  paint.  pool.  family.  friends.  2010.

it's been awesome.  thanks to everyone in and around my life.  i couldn't imagine it without you.

2011.  new year.  new job.  new adventure . . .


Beth said...

It DID go by fast, didn't it? Hard to believe. Here's looking to a good 2011!

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