Wednesday, December 1, 2010

procrastination in full effect

it has been snowing lightly through out the day today.  woke up to ground cover.  actually braved the roads, went to the mall, bookstore, coffee, Disney etc.  the house is decorated for the holidays now.  the day after Thanksgiving, I dragged things out of the rafters and put the tree up, lighted.  it was a nice day of thanks and turkey with Mom and Dad, Pat, Toni, Chris and Shane.  been keeping myself busy doing things the last few weeks, some painting, still got more to do, later this week (procrastination in full effect).  yesterday the entryway bench got delivered.  in a flat box.  guess that means some assembly required actually mean complete assembly required.  later this week. (remember, procrastination is is full effect).  not much to report on the job front, still applying for available positions, hanging out, waiting for that one phone call that will start me on the path towards a new career.  been debating about getting a gaming system, especially since there's a new game on the market featuring Mickey.  Played Rock Band with Shane, Beth and Ken (I rocked the mic, dabbled on keyboards), gorged on pizza, fun!  pretty much covers all that's been going on 'round here for now.  cats are good, crazy, cute, entertaining.  think the new show on AMC, The Walking Dead is incredible, glad Ann is in the final two for ANTM, Survivor is getting good now that the tribe got rid of the power player, hopefully they will now get rid of the troublemaker.  I need to pick a book off my shelf, plenty to choose from.  Yay, it's Christmas time!!!


Beth said...

Pretty! Is that in the family room?

It was great to have you guys over! You did such a great job on vocals!

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