Thursday, January 13, 2011

throes of winter

too much snow.  too cold.  i want to hibernate.  i want warmth.  i want sun.  all i seem to do each day is get up and shovel.  i did get a new shovel.  i named it sebastian.  i have used sebastian too much.  i do other things through out the day too.  but none of those activities wear me out.  i bake too much.  brownies, granola bars, banana bread.  i use the slow cooker too.  the last meal consisted of chicken, penne pasta, cream of mushroom soup, seasoning, shredded cheese.  warms the belly.  i apply for job opportunities too.  i nap too.  i watch tv too.  i dream of summer too.


Ken Riches said...

January is always the toughest month.

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