Friday, April 30, 2010


In 1932 Walt Disney won a special Academy Award for the creation of Mickey Mouse.

During the production of The Lion King, live lions and other animals were brought in to the Disney studios for animators to study.

Disneyland was built on 160 acres of orange groves in Anaheim for $17 million dollars.

Walt Disney World's Typhoon Lagoon features the world's largest artificially created waves.

The Beast from Beauty and the Beast is a composite of bison, gorilla, lion, baboon, and wolf.

In Bambi, the character of Man was named one of the 50 greatest screen villians by the American Film Institute.

The Walt Disney Company invented the multiplane camera to add depth to animated films via painted backgrounds on multiple layers of glass.

*all information and images provided and copyrighted by WDC.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Shorts weather.  Got outside and tended to the grounds of the estate.  Planted flowers, enjoyed the warm weather.  Yesterday took a long walk on the Notre Dame campus.  Opened the windows to let the fresh air flow, cats like perching on the window sills.  Sending out resumes, watching plenty of TV, reading at night, surfing the Internet, meeting friends for dinner and listening to the rude, inconsiderate and obnoxiously loud children next door. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Moai, or mo‘ai are monolithic human figures carved from rock on the Polynesian island of Easter Island, Chile between the years 1250 and 1500. Nearly half are still at Rano Raraku, the main moai quarry, but hundreds were transported from there and set on stone platforms called ahu around the island's perimeter. Almost all moai have overly large heads three-fifths the size of their bodies. The moai are chiefly the living faces (aringa ora) of deified ancestors. Though moai are whole-body statues, they are commonly referred to as "Easter Island heads".

Sunday, April 25, 2010

birds of a feather

It rained. and rained. and rained.  and rained some more.  The house was being shown.  Packed up the kitties and took them on a road trip.  Across state lines.  Into Michigan.  To buy flowers.  To buy a Moai statue.  There were large parrots in the tropical section.  One was off by itself, gray, with red tail feathers.  He started clucking.  I started clucking.  He said hello.  I said hello.  I named him Clucker.  He clucked some more.  I clucked some more.  He moved closer, clucking, bobbing.  I liked him.  Said our goodbyes, clucked, got flora and moai, loaded up the car, headed back.  Stopped at Target along the way, grocery shopped, new bathroom accessories, cds, candles, throw rug.  All the while it rained.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I haven't mentioned things going on with the body.  I had follow ups with all my doctors and everything is going well, I am doing fine  (Platelets low as usual, but not too low to be concerned).  Since I moved, I still have all my doctors in Milwaukee.  After months of procrastination, I have finally decided to switch doctors.  I have gotten recommendations from the ones back in Milwaukee for doctors here, so I won't feel too awkward making the change.  Establishing a new doctor/patient relationship is always a traumatic experience for me, but I will manage.  I have gained a considerable amount of weight since moving and have begun making the effort to lose and get back to a comfortable level.  I have started counting/watching calories, limiting fast food and snacks, exercising a bit.  It feels good to get tuned up for Spring/Summer!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

out for a walk

The days have been warm and sunny.  It sure has been a nice Spring so far.  After lunch today, I decided to go for a walk along the river.  I walked in the area where I take the view from the bridge picture.  The riverwalk is actually very nice and I'm sure I will be snapping more photos there.  As I approached an intersection near by, I noticed a field of crosses, all with shirts on them.  I had to cross the street to see what the display was about.  It was on the property of a family center and it was an installation promoting family togetherness and safety.  It was rather an interesting display.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

fourth view from the bridge

The St Joseph's River in Mishawaka.

Monday, April 19, 2010

somewhere out there

The weekend flew by.  Massive cleaning, pushing, shoving furniture, bins, decluttering.  The weather is warming back up again after a brief cool down.  I much prefer the warmer temperatures.  The cats are all freaked out by all the activity going on, doors opening, closing.  They much prefer quiet than chaos.  Sunday drive, looking at houses, dinner at Culver's, and movie night finished out the weekend.  Today started a diet for me, to lose the extra pounds, want my Summer clothes to fit.  Did I mention that I'm hungry?  Sent a few resumes out today in hopes of landing that elusive job.  Hope the phone rings, I really would like to find a job.  There's got to be one out there for me . . .

Friday, April 16, 2010

a picture a day

[Insert Picture Here]  Since the beginning of the year I have been snapping a picture a day to capture a moment of the day.  It doesn't matter where I am at, whatever strikes my interest, that becomes the image.  While out last evening, I happened to be intrigued by the pharmacy sign on the side of the Target store, so I stopped to take the picture.  As I was taking the picture, a car drove passed me.  The occupants for whatever reason found this disturbing and let me know.  I glanced at the car, turned back to the store and finished taking the picture.  As the car drove away, they proceeded to shout derogatory comments.  I wonder what I did to offend them so much.  It's only a picture.  I haven't found subject matter for today yet.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

stepping out

I did laundry yesterday, applied for jobs online, had a phone interview, and decided to get out of the house today.  The morning was overcast and cool, yet I wore shorts, the forecast called for sunshine and warm temperatures.  Headed to the mall, specifically the bookstore, met Doug for coffee, chat, and books.  I had to get the third installment of The Kingdom Keepers - Disney in Shadows.  I also got two cookbooks, one for slow cookers, one for soups off the bargain rack.  Tonight Shane, Doug, and I are having burgers (our alternative to Tuesday night chips, salsa, and margaritas.)  Tomorrow more job searching and stepping out if the weather is nice.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

under and over

Have been under the weather the last few days, bad cold.  Started in late, late Wednesday evening, came on fast, by morning I was congested and wallowing.  Had to run out that morning to get some medicine, in the cold damp rain, stayed home through today.  Am getting over the cold now, just a lingering trace, feeling much much better than I had.  Went for breakfast and shopping and a nice Sunday drive.  Weather had a cold for a couple of days too, getting over the 60 degree mark again though.   I like that.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

on a rainy day

Changes in the weather.  After a nice long streak of warm clear days it is going to be cold.  Storms have been rolling through the area since this morning, thunder scaring the cats, raining more and more intensely as the day goes by, more thunder and rain this evening.  The temperature is falling.  Been watching TV, playing on the Internet, looking for a job, watching TV.  Had dinner with friends last night, lunch with Shane today.  More TV watching tonight, along with rain, thunder and cold.

Monday, April 5, 2010


This post is about two things really. Tact and the trip to Chicago to see Beauty and the Beast. Started out early, 8:30am, driving to the airport to catch the train. 9:05am the train sets off for Chicago. Across the aisle from where I was, there was a woman on her cell phone. She was having a conversation with the train car and her mother. I am going to be tactless at this point. She was arguing that she was up on her boy tight and you know she couldn't catch the train the night before, so she wouldn't get to town in time to go to church. After she hung up, she called someone else. How did the conversation start? (Being tactless again.) "Happy Easter Bitch". The entire trip this woman proceded to call people and speak to everyone in the train. Shane and I were highly entertained by the Easter greeting. We arrived in Chicago, had a few hours to waste, ate a nice breakfast, shopped, wandered the riverwalk, then made our way over to the theater. Sitting stage right, had great seats. Next to me was a woman and her daughter. I don't know which one behaved worse. The woman sent text messages throughout the entire performance, I was distracted by the glowing screen in my peripheral vision, ate snacks, constantly crinkling the bag and drinking water, while her daughter talked constantly, climbed on the chairs, and whined about being bored. Next to Shane there was a little girl who constantly fussed, fidgeted, kicked, and complained. The girl in front of me decided she didn't like the show and spent most of it looking at people in the audience instead of paying attention. Not one of the parents attempted anything to change their childrens behavior. The show was incredible. I enjoyed the performance very much. The music was entertaining, the story amazing. I can't wait to see the Lion King when it comes to Chicago in the Fall! Afterward, we had dinner, then caught the train back, arriving home about 10:00pm. I had a wonderful time among the beasts!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

down the bunny trail

Saturday, April 3, 2010

hippity hoppity

Guess who I saw while on a walk through the neighborhood last night?  Happy Easter.

Friday, April 2, 2010

warming up, cooling down

Summer.  No, Spring.  Yet it has been unseasonably warm (no complaints here though.)  Yesterday the high temperature reached 80, warmer than places like Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Tucson, Arizona.  Warmer than places like Easter Island, Chile and Nassau, Bahamas.  It is in the 80s again today, but a cool down forecasted for the weekend.  The windows are wide open, fresh air swarming, the cats climbing the window sills.  Wearing shorts and flips just like I was last week.  Went grocery shopping last evening and froze.  Walking through the frozen food and refrigerated food sections was absolutely arctic.  On the way home, the heat was blasted in the car, just to thaw my toes.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

just the facts

Native American storytellers helped bring authentic Powhatan culture to the film Pocahontas.

At 199 feet, Expedition Everest at the Animal Kingdom is the tallest mountain in Florida.

Over 700 drawings were used in the first Mickey Mouse animation short.

Art directors traveled France extensively to bring true European inspiration to Beauty and the Beast.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was originally known as Disney's Folly.

The Little Mermaid has more effects than any traditionally animated film since Fantasia.

Robin Hood was the last animated feature to use a story book in the introduction.

I am going to stay at the Polynesian Resort.