Wednesday, June 30, 2010

staring at the walls

June is almost over.  Yikes.  Another month being unemployed.  Soon things are going to run out.  Every day I search the papers, search online for work.  As much as I like lazing about, I am bored.  I need to do something.  Dare I say I will do anything?  My only requirement, health benefits.  Anything.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

word search

Been thinking about a friend.  A friend who is battling cancer.  A friend whose battle is almost over.  Unsettled by the thought of losing my friend.  Unsettled that I can't find the right words to express my sorrow.  I remain silent.  A week ago she sent me a touching email thanking me for being there, for being a good person, for being her friend.  I replied that I considered her an angel for being there for me, for being my friend.  She was saying goodbye.  I am having a problem saying goodbye.  They were moments, conversations, mostly with coffee, books.  Now I'm at a loss for words.  Been thinking a lot about my friend.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

window shopping

Another day, another storm.  It seems that every day has included darkened skies, flashes of light, rumbles of thunder, moments of heavy downpours.  Every day also includes brilliant sun, warm temperatures, high humidity.  Summer.  The four cats got packed up and went for a drive this morning while the building inspector went through the house.  I drove past the future homesteads, explaining to the kitties the features of each home.  Then we drove passed other houses for sale.  Then we went through the drive thru at Starbucks, visited Shane at work, sat in the parking lot outside of Target, through two rainstorms until it was time for home.  The cats were glad to get out of their cages.  Then back to the jeep and more looking at houses . . .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

sixth view from the bridge

The St Joseph's River in Mishawaka.   Looking west on the riverwalk pedestrian bridge.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

art festival

After a second round of storms overnight, the sun was shining when I got up this morning.  Saturday morning is cleaning time.  Two hours later, headed out into the city.  The storm wreaked havoc, power outages, trees down citywide, guess we were lucky to still have electricity.  Ended up at the local art festival down by the river.  Lots of artists showing their work.  I ended up getting some fresh squeezed lemonade. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

blue moon, green skies

Hot and humid today.  Sun gave way to storms.  The remnants of a severe thunderstorm is still making noise as I type.  Went to the drive in for dinner, hamburger, fries, and a shake.  I had a blue moon.  While eating, Shane and I watched the storm move closer.  We finished eating, then headed out.  Drove west, to the leading edge of the storm.  First the sky was dark, turned aqua, then green.  We turned toward home.  The rain started, the wind kicked up.  Saw trees down in the road, on parked cars.  Pulled in the driveway, lightning bugs lighting the yard, ran for the door, and into the house.  Power went out, started up, rain, lightning, thunder, wind.  The skies have lightened up now, still raining, occasional rumble of thunder, the worst has moved through the area.  I wonder if the fireworks downtown will still be shown tonight.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

farmers market

The farmers market has so much.  Fresh.  What do you get when there is so much to choose from?  Asparagus.  Strawberries.  Cherries.  When that's gone, more fresh fruits and vegetables await.  There were crafts, spices, candies, coffee, even a cafe offering breakfast and lunch specials.  It's open year round.  I'd rather buy from the local farmer's than from the grocery store anytime!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


(word play on weekend.)

Just like last weekend, storms moved through the area on Saturday night.  All around there were severe weather warnings except here in the city.  As the storm passed, it wasn't as threatening as it had been.  After it went on by, it built back up.  Shane, Doug, and I watched the storm while dining on a "Porky the Pie" pizza with "Hippie" crust.  Ham, Sausage, Pepperoni, Bacon, and Mushrooms on a whole wheat crust.  It was very tasty, very delicious, very decadent.  Afterward, we headed out for a movie (Shrek Forever After) and ice cream (Kit Kat Concrete Mixer).

Last Weekend Shane and I were at the pet store buying cat food and litter.  We always check out the kitties looking for homes while there.  There was an adorable Seal Point Siamese with slightly crossed eyes that caught both of our attention.  The next day we both admitted that he had really made quite an impression.  We went back to look at him again and he had just been adopted by a family with kids.  We both said we would have gotten him had he been there.  We spoke to the kitty adoption people about what a remarkable cat he was.  The woman took Shane's name and number.  Earlier this week, Shane got a phone call.  The cat was available if he wanted him.

His name is Buford.  He joined the household this weekend.

Friday, June 11, 2010

here comes the rain

Hot and humid.  Sun this morning as I ran out to apply for a job in person (gasp).  I am not used to wearing business casual clothing (dress pants, polo, socks, dress shoes).   Clouded up over the lunch hour.  Rained.  Thundered.  Lightninged.  Rained some more.  Sun, heat, humidity.  Another round of storms rolling through.  The weekend is supposed to be hot, humid, rainy.  Summer.

Monday, June 7, 2010

sounds of summer

Mowed the lawn today.  It was cool, comfortable, sunny.  Perfect day to get outside.  Over the rumbling of the engine I could hear birds chirping, calling.  I could hear kids playing.  I thought about putting on headphones to listen to music, but hearing the world around me was rythmic enough.  Squirrels rustling in the trees, the cats meowing in the window.  Ahh the sounds of Summer.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today is National Doughnut Day!  So I had to celebrate.  Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts both were offering a free doughnut.  No DD's in the area, so KK's got the business.  A doughnut (lemon cake) and a mocha.  Enjoyed it. Watched the process of making the doughnut from rising, frying, glazing, to boxing.  I was so compelled to buy a dozen just because!  Sour Cream, Blueberry, Chocolate, Original, Lemon.  Happy National Doughnut Day!

(They should give me a job.)

(No they shouldn't.  I'd eat way too many.)

(four days into the month and every picture taken so far has been of food.)

(Doughnut or Donut?)

Now I want another.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

food for thought

Had reservations today.  At Chick-Fil-A.  The new spicy chicken sandwich.  Free.  Seated in the Spicy VIP section of the restaurant.  The menu included the sandwich, large beverage, side order, dessert.  Being a fan of the place, I had to try it.  It was spicy.  Grilled out last evening.  Marinated pork chops in red wine, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, garlic, and ginger for 8 hours.  Grilled the pork chops and corn on the cob.  Turned out excellent, one of the better grilled meals so far this grilling season.  The day before burgers with pepper jack cheese, grilled onions.  The day before that chicken breasts marinated in pina colada and lemon juice and pepper.  In between all that and the ice cream and sherbet, I am dieting!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Just like that it's June.  Sixth month into the year already.  Season of thunderstorms, hot weather, shorts, tshirts, flips, ice cream, festivals.  Season of job searches, lawn mowing, weed pulling, car washing.  Weekend was fast and furious, dining out, movie night, pancake breakfast, shopping, planting.  Every day there is something to keep me occupied.