Saturday, November 12, 2016

River Lights

Shane and I went down to the River Lights last night.  It is an art installation in Downtown South Bend on the St Joseph River.  It consists of five elements: The Light Trio, The Light Forest, The Crescent Sculpture, The Keepers of the Fire lighting, and Jefferson Boulevard Bridge Lighting.  They are all interactive, you can change the colors by touch and movement, and send colors across the river.  The lights use LEDs, an energy efficient and long-lasting form of lighting. They are powered by electricity. There is a plan is to eventually use a hydroelectric turbine that exists at the South Bend dam as the source of power.  I completely enjoy going to the River Lights and playing with the lights.

Jefferson Boulevard Bridge Lighting
The Light Forest


Beth said...

Whenever we have friends visit from out of town, we always try to take them to see the River Lights! I still have fun with them! Did you say hi to all of our bricks? :)

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