Friday, November 4, 2016


Wednesday night thunderstorms rolled through the area.   I was lounging on the couch reading, Shane was sitting in the recliner surfing the Internet.  We both were commenting on how much rumbling there was.  Suddenly there was a searing, crackling noise, a bright flash, and a horrendously loud boom simultaneously.  The house shook, windows rattled, art fell from the wall, and the cats took off running.  Shane and I were unnerved, thinking the house had just been struck by lightning.  I looked out the front window and the house across the street was completely dark, the house immediately to the right had it's lights flickering, then plunged into darkness.  Our lights stayed on the entire time. Shane has a lightning tracker app on his phone so he pulled it up and sure enough, there was a lightning strike across the street.  It was eerie, unsettling, and crazy.  It took quite a while afterward for me and Shane to settle down. Eventually the neighbors power came back on as the thunderstorm persisted through the night.


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