Sunday, October 30, 2016

Europa - Epilogue

We woke up at 5:00am (11:00pm EDT) to catch the shuttle to the airport for our flight.  Hard to believe after two weeks of traveling through Poland, Germany, and France, we were heading home.  We were flying SAS on our way back.  The first flight was from Paris to Copenhagen, Denmark.  We had a three hour layover so we browsed the shops, bought a few souvenirs, and had a nice lunch before heading to the gate to catch our flight to Chicago.  We boarded the plane, settled in our seats, and prepared for the journey.  I watched several movies, The Lobster, a bleak futuristic tale where single people have 30 days to find a mate or be transformed into an animal and hunted, and Sing Street, about an Irish boy who forms a band to impress a girl.  I enjoyed both movies immensely. The plane was equipped with external cameras so you could see the outside area, it was very interesting to watch.  We landed in Chicago around 6:00pm and took about 50 minutes to get through customs.  We caught the blue line to downtown and walked to Millennium Station to wait for the 9:00pm South Shore train to South Bend.  We arrived home shortly after 1:00am local time.  What a trip.  I would do it again.  It makes me want to see more of the world, places I have read about in books, magazines, newspapers, seen on TV and movies.

Flight to Denmark
Plane Selfie
Copenhagen Airport


Shane said...

it makes me want to see more of the world, too! let's go!

Anonymous said...

Glad you both had such an awesome trip!!!

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