Saturday, October 22, 2016

Europa - Deutschland Part IV: Berlin

Shane and I were "backpacking" through Europe, so we weren't carrying a lot of things with us.  It was time to do some laundry.  We packed all our dirty clothes into a duffel bag, caught a subway to a laundromat, fired up the wash machine, and went to a nearby Bäckerei for breakfast and coffee.   After drying our clothes, we dropped them back at the hotel and were off to see more of Berlin.  First we stopped at Potsdamer Platz, a public square and traffic intersection that was totally laid to waste during World War II and then left desolate during the Cold War era when the Berlin Wall bisected its location. Since German reunification, Potsdamer Platz has been the site of major redevelopment projects.  Then we went over to Checkpoint Charlie, the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War and surrounding area.  From there we traveled to Alexanderplatz, a large public square, and the Fernsehturm, a television tower. The tower was constructed between 1965 and 1969 by the administration of the German Democratic Republic (GDR).  From there we caught another train to Treptower Park and visited the Soviet War Memorial, commemorating the Soviet soldiers who fell in the Battle of Berlin 1945.  All this running around made us hungry, so we caught a bus over to Burgermeister, a burger joint located in an old public restroom right beneath the metro tracks at Schlesisches Tor.  The food was delicious.  Next, we went to the Hauptbahnhof to purchase tickets to our next destination, which we would be traveling to in the morning.
Subway tile
Wash Machine
Potsdamer Platz
Checkpoint Charlie
Alexanderplatz Fountain
Treptow Park
Soviet War Memorial - Berlin
Soviet War Memorial
Soviet Memorial
Flowers at Memorial


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