Saturday, November 5, 2016


I attended a political rally in downtown South Bend Thursday night with Beth and many other citizens.  It was the Moving Indiana Forward bus tour with Democratic Governor candidate John Gregg, Lieutenant Governor candidate Christina Hale,John Gregg, Current Indiana Superintendent of Schools Glenda Ritz, Attorney General candidate Lorenzo Arredondo, US Senator candidate Evan Bayh, Current US Senator Joe Donnelly, US Representative candidate Lynn Coleman and others. The rally started off with an inspired speech by South Bend's Mayor Peter Buttigieg.  One by one each person took to the podium and spoke for about five to ten minutes. The message was about community and collaborative efforts to make things better for everyone.  There's room at the table for all, and there's enough on the table for all.  It was very positive and uplifting.  This election season has been very dour and negative, and I think there is no place in government at any level for anybody who can not recognize the diversity and attributes of each person.  That being said, I'm all for moving Indiana forward, each candidate has earned my respect and vote.  I'm also with her. Stronger Together. Poignant and simply stated. Now go out and vote!

Political Selfie
Tour Bus
Mayor Pete
Senator Donnelly
Christina Hale
John Gregg
Evan Bayh
Lynn Coleman


Beth said...

It was a great day and a diverse, positive crowd!

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