Thursday, October 5, 2017

Road Tripping Pt IV

Shane and I had the whole day planned out. We got up early, were out the door by 8:00AM. We stopped in Downtown Cody at a local diner for a quick breakfast, then drove an hour to Yellowstone National Park. We intended to spend the entire day exploring Yellowstone, then head over to West Yellowstone, MT to our hotel for the night. As we were getting closer to the park, the weather changed from cloudy to foggy, then misty, then rainy, then sleety, and then snowy. As we lined up with other vehicles to enter Yellowstone, a Park Ranger went from vehicle to vehicle to inform the occupants that the park was closed due to extreme weather conditions. We were turned away at the entrance. If we wanted to get to our hotel in West Yellowstone, we would have to drive around the park, which would take about seven to eight hours. We decided to head back to Cody and figure out what to do next. Over an early lunch, we discussed our options, and settled on heading towards Utah since that was the next stop on our road trip. Shane was able to cancel our reservations at the hotel in West Yellowstone, then jumped back into the car and hit the road. We arrived in Rock Springs, WY and got a hotel for the night. Salt Lake City, UT would be a quick three hour drive in the morning.

Tunnel on the way to Yellowstone National Park
Buffalo Bill State Park

Mountains in the distance

Yellowstone National Park Entrance

Hoodoo Ranch - On the road to Rock Springs, WY

Meeteetse, WY

Rattlesnake Warning

Wind River Canyon

Continental Divide in WY

Rock Springs, WY

Pedal Cars - Rock Springs, WY


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