Thursday, December 30, 2010

that was fast

come and gone.  in the blink of an eye.  seems like it only just got started.  I could carry on but I think I made my point.  the year is over.  so much to ponder.  so much to wonder.  427+ jobs applied for.  100+ margaritas.  45+ days packing.  3+ days moving.  nyc.  tucson.  milwaukee.  chicago.  devo.  blondie.  cats.  lion king, beauty, beast.  paint.  pool.  family.  friends.  2010.

it's been awesome.  thanks to everyone in and around my life.  i couldn't imagine it without you.

2011.  new year.  new job.  new adventure . . .

Friday, December 24, 2010

fa la la la la - la la la la

the trees lit.  the presents wrapped.  the cookies baked.  the egg nog chilled.  the snow fallen.  Now time to enjoy the holiday.  Merry Christmas to all my family and friends.  you're in my heart and on my mind.

*picture copyright wdc

Saturday, December 18, 2010

to be jolly

the rough snow days have ceased for the time being.  (yay!)  done some baking; frosted gingerbread cookies, chocolate chip butterscotch cookies.  Chocolate chip and sugar cookies on the agenda too.  Going out to dinner tonight then traveling the neighborhoods around the city checking out the christmas lights.  Then out for some salted caramel hot chocolate.  (yum!) 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'tis the season

snow.  not very fond of it, that's for sure.  seems like it's been snowing for days.  oh, wait, it has.  right now it is lake effect.  the main storm came through Sunday, not much of one, about four inches.  Monday it was mostly clear, snow in the morning, enough to shovel.  I was out shoveling this morning, about two inches fell overnight.  I'm noticing that the sidewalk and driveway are covered again.  even though it is snowing, I do see patches of blue sky.  one of the nice things about the neighborhood, a guy two houses over has a tractor with a plow, so he clears off the sidewalk on one side of the house regularly.  the sidewalk on the cul-de-sac abuts the street and the city plows that side nicely, leaving only the front walk and driveway for me. not too bad.  except when it snows.  and snows.  and snows.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


matt's trash.  based on the recipe I found online for texas trash.  changed up a bit with things I like to munch on.  nibble on.  snack on.  Shane makes his own mix, scramble, which I love munching, nibbling, snacking.  it gave me the idea to create my own.  dare I share the recipe?  well, it has butter, chili powder, garlic salt, worcestershire, a-1, fritos, pretzels, bugles, life, cashews, sesame sticks.  oh yeah, and a secret ingredient added.  next I'll be baking gingerbread cookies, sugar cookies, banana bread, and chocolate chip cookies.

Monday, December 6, 2010

flurry of activity

Friday.  Shane, his dad John, Bill and I celebrated the son and the father's birthdays.  Fine dining.  Filet, Sweet Potato, Green Beans, Creme Brulee.  Delicious.  Saturday.  After a slow start, some laundry, bench assembly completed.  Despite the weather, a drive into Chicago for dinner and a concert.  Starbucks close early in Chicago by the way.  The drive back started out fine, got windy, rainy, snowy, fine again.  Sunday.  Blueberry muffins.  Shopping.  New ornaments.  New pants.  New hangers.  Some snow.  Some shoveling.  More shopping.  Nothing new.  Monday.  Job search.  Laundry done.  More snow.  More shoveling.  More snow.  More shoveling.  More snow.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

procrastination in full effect

it has been snowing lightly through out the day today.  woke up to ground cover.  actually braved the roads, went to the mall, bookstore, coffee, Disney etc.  the house is decorated for the holidays now.  the day after Thanksgiving, I dragged things out of the rafters and put the tree up, lighted.  it was a nice day of thanks and turkey with Mom and Dad, Pat, Toni, Chris and Shane.  been keeping myself busy doing things the last few weeks, some painting, still got more to do, later this week (procrastination in full effect).  yesterday the entryway bench got delivered.  in a flat box.  guess that means some assembly required actually mean complete assembly required.  later this week. (remember, procrastination is is full effect).  not much to report on the job front, still applying for available positions, hanging out, waiting for that one phone call that will start me on the path towards a new career.  been debating about getting a gaming system, especially since there's a new game on the market featuring Mickey.  Played Rock Band with Shane, Beth and Ken (I rocked the mic, dabbled on keyboards), gorged on pizza, fun!  pretty much covers all that's been going on 'round here for now.  cats are good, crazy, cute, entertaining.  think the new show on AMC, The Walking Dead is incredible, glad Ann is in the final two for ANTM, Survivor is getting good now that the tribe got rid of the power player, hopefully they will now get rid of the troublemaker.  I need to pick a book off my shelf, plenty to choose from.  Yay, it's Christmas time!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

not ready for the cold and snow

Days have been pretty warm as of late, 60s, close to 70.  Cools down at night.  That all changed.  Rain pushed through this weekend, temperatures dropped.  There's snow in the forecast.  You'd think I would be used to this by now, but no, I am not.

Saturday the Apple store opened, so a number of us went to the mall to witness it.  It was busy, hectic, noisy (Apple!, Apple!, Apple!), chaotic.  It's only a store.  I could understand if it was the Disney store, but even then . . .  Apple! Apple! Apple!  (I think I'm still traumatized by the whole hiring event.) While at the mall I got books (one fiction, one recipe), CDs (rock and pop).  Then browsed electronics at Best Buy, snacked on doughnuts at Krispy Kreme, stocked up the freezer at Sam's Club.

I am going to start painting the Disney room!  It's really a reading room/guest room that will have all of the Disney stuff on display.  Fun color choices, interesting design.  It's going to be a lot of work to get it done, but I'm looking forward to the adventure (and more forward to it being completed!).

Saturday, November 6, 2010

halls and hallways and other things thrown in

I've been meaning to post for a few days now but have let the days get away from me.  Since Trick or Treat (which I completely enjoyed, even though there were only 11 kids, my favorite a little girl dressed as Red Riding Hood) Shane and I have been working on the house.  More rooms painted.  Now there's evening twilight, sachet (guest room), honey beige, useful brown, brickhouse (kitchen, dining room), sage (foyer, hallway) on the walls.

Yesterday (that being Friday) we travelled to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland with Beth, met up with her sisters, brother-in-law, and niece.  What a great place.  I found myself caught up in all the displays of memorabilia, loved the scraps of paper with song lyrics, outfits worn on stage and in video, the instruments that artists forged their craft on.  There was so much to look at.  I had a blast.
The day started out bright and sunny, cold and rainy in Cleveland.  Snow too.  Once back closer to town noticed snow on the ground. Got home, settled in, lounged on the couch, surfed the Internet.  Read how bad the roads were around the area, numerous accidents, road closures.  Crazy.

Lounging today, laundry, lazy.  Tonight dinner and a chorus line.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Hallow's Eve

Astronaut.  I'm going to be an astronaut.  Going to hand out candy to the hellions.  Shane and I decided it would be fun to give out treats to those kids that dare ring the doorbell and shout out "TRICK or TREAT!"  I decided I have to dress up in costume.  A local company was sponsoring a contest on their Facebook page and the winner would receive $25 worth of candy. All you had to do was post a picture of anything relating to Halloween on the page to enter.  I dressed as an astronaut.  Shane snapped a picture.  Uploaded.  Of all the pictures posted, votes from viewers would determine the winner.  I must thank Shane, Doug, Beth, Ken, Tom and myself for voting.  I won with six votes!!!  I want to keep the goodies for myself.  Kit Kats, M&Ms, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Bars, Milky Ways, Snickers, Three Musketeers, Twix Bars, Yum.  Hopefully the doorbell won't ring too often during the two hour ritual.  Happy Hauntings.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Banzai: Now that's power.
Shenzi: Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder.
Banzai: Mufasa!
Shenzi: Ooooh! Do it again!
Banzai: Mufasa!
Shenzi: Ooooh!
Banzai: Mufasa, Mufasa, Mufasa!
Shenzi: Ooooh!

[breaks into laughter]

Headed to Chicago to see The Lion King on tour.  This is the second time I have seen this show.  Gives me chills everytime.  It is that good.  It was that good.  On the way in, drove through a rainstorm.  Got into town, met up with Christopher for lunch and shopping then over to the theater and the show.  Stopped on the way home for some deepdish pizza, drove behind a storm, complete with lightning.  Ultimately I would love to see The Lion King on Broadway.  One day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

on the shelf

The book shelf.  Just started reading The Dead Path by Stephen M. Irwin.  It's about a guy who has an accident and starts having hallucinations. I figure this time of year is a great time to read a haunting ghost story.  So far it has been riveting, I don't want to put it down.

Monday, October 18, 2010

room for improvement pt II

The guest room.  Evening Twilight and Sachet.  Grays that are not gray.  Still better than the light green the walls were painted and the hideous floral border along the ceiling.  Got the paint Friday evening.  Started Saturday morning.  By mid-afternoon the second coat was being applied.  I was finishing up the last wall, just had to paint along the ceiling and the corners when I noticed dark spots all over the carpeting.  It took a few moments for me to realize I had walked in paint and was tracking it through the room.  I checked the bottom of my shoes and sure enough.  I removed my shoes immediately.  Tried blotting paint off the carpeting.  I made it worse.  I was finished for the day.  I meant to pick up the brush on Sunday, it didn't happen.  I said I would finish painting today.  It didn't happen.  Tomorrow.  (yeah, like that's going to happen.)  I have researched online to see how to remove paint from carpeting.  I have a few options.  The goal is to get the room done this week so I can start on another next week.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It has been hot around here.  Shorts weather.  The evenings cool down, but all and all warmer than usual.  Been trying to get outside a lot, seeing I'll be holed up when the cold temperatures arrive.  I get chilled just thinking about it.  Taking walks down by the river, went to a botanical garden in Michigan, a Haunted House and field of scream, walking through the neighborhood, dining out on the patio of local restaurants, grilling out at home, doing yard work.  Keeping busy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The neighbor next door came over and asked if it was okay if he bought insecticide to spray on the crab apple tree on the corner of the lot.  It has been overtaken by woolly aphids.  insects that live on plant fluids, and produces a filamentous waxy white covering which resembles cotton or wool. The adults are winged and move to new locations where they lay egg masses. The larvae often form large cottony masses on twigs, for protection from predators. They come from Japan.  Woolly aphids feed by inserting their needle-like mouthparts into plant tissue to withdraw sap. They are able to feed on leaves, buds, bark, and even the roots of the plant. As a result of feeding on the sap, woolly aphids produce a sticky substance known as honeydew, which can lead to sooty mold on the plant. While wooly aphids generally aren't much cause for alarm, they can cause rather unsightly damage to plants, which is particularly a problem for growers of ornamentals. Symptoms of feeding include twisted and curled leaves, yellowed foliage, poor plant growth, low plant vigor, and branch dieback. Further minor damage can be caused by the honeydew that woolly aphids secrete, which is difficult to remove. While the honeydew itself doesn't cause too much of a problem, the honeydew can cause sooty mold to grow, which can block some of the sunlight needed for photosynthesis.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a view from the bridge

The St. Joseph River is approximately 210 miles long. It rises in southern Michigan in Hillsdale County near Baw Beese Lake. It follows a zigzag route generally westward across southern Michigan, dipping into northern Indiana. From its headwaters it flows initially northwest past Hillsdale into southeastern Calhoun County, then turns abruptly southwest to flow past Tekonsha, Union City, and Sherwood. At Three Rivers it is joined from the north by the Rocky and Portage Rivers, then three miles further southwest by the Prairie River from the east. The river continues southward into northern Indiana, flowing west through Elkhart and South Bend, where it turns abruptly to north to re-enter southwestern Michigan in southeastern Berrien County. In southwestern Michigan it follows a wide meandering route generally northwest through Niles and past Berrien Springs. It enters Lake Michigan between St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, receiving the Paw Paw River from the north approximately one mile from its mouth on Lake Michigan.

Monday, October 4, 2010

no guaranty

I have been without my debit card since the middle of last month.  The bank stopped authorization on it due to supposed fraudulent transactions.  I found out after my card was being declined while trying to purchase things.  I contacted the bank and I was informed that a letter had been sent to me detailing what occured and a new card was on its way.  I should receive it in seven to ten days.  I didn't.  I called the bank again.  At that time I was assured I would receive the card no later than October 1st.  If I didn't receive it, I should call them.  October 1st there was no debit card in the mail.  A call to the bank yielded no progress.  I should wait until today, the card should be in my hands.  No.  I went to a new bank today, opened an account and will be transferring my money out of the other bank.  There are plenty of banks out there to do business with.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow, Ichabod Crane, a sycophantic, lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer, Baltus Van Tassel. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during some nameless battle of the American Revolutionary War, and who rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head. Ichabod mysteriously disappears.

It was a beautiful night, went downtown for coffee.  Walked around looking at architecture, shops, people, myths.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

closed for the season

Winterized the pool today.  Added tons of chemicals, closed off spouts, opened valves, drained pipes, covered the pool, secured it down.  Cleared out the shed, put the patio furniture inside.   Days are warm 60s, 70s and the nights cool off 40s, 50s.  It makes me long for Summer all over again.  

Saturday, September 25, 2010


The American Library Association's Banned Books Week runs from Sept. 25 through Oct. 2 this year. It was established in 1982 as a tribute to writers, their works, and the US Constitution that guarantees freedom of expression. I happen to love reading, one of my favorite pastimes, besides lounging, napping, snacking, TV watching, dancing, laughing, losing train of thought, etc. I have a stack of about 40 books I plan to read, visit the book store on a weekly basis, and add to the pile frequently. Currently I am reading Crashers by Dana Haynes, a thriller about plane crash investigators. The premise piqued my interest, reading it completely pulled me into the action and suspense. I couldn't imagine not being able to escape into words and imaginary worlds, or be told what I can and cannot read.

Friday, September 24, 2010

soothe the savage

I purchased the CD Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons because I heard the song Little Lion Man at the bookstore and was mesmerized by it.  I was pleasantly surprised by the songs and really enjoy the music.  The music is folk rock.  The band is made up of Marcus Mumford, "Country" Winston Marshall, Ben Lovett, and Ted Dwane.  Interestingly, the band members switch instruments during live shows according to convenience, for they each play a variety of instruments. The band formed in late 2007, rising out of London's folk scene.  Enjoy.


The beginning of the butterfly garden is taking shape.  Along the fence in the backyard, all plants that attract butterflies and humming birds are being planted.  Eventually the entire length of the southeast side of the yard will be filled with these types of plants and grasses.  It is an evolving project.  I like getting my hands dirty and working in the yard.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

room for improvement

The handyman has been over this week working on projects around the house.  Some projects on the list were recommended by the home inspector, others are changes needed, upgrades wanted.  New appliances installed.  New kitchen, bathroom faucets.  New outdoor lighting fixtures.  Electrical and plumbing work. The house is starting to become home.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

moving day 351

Everything I own is all under one roof.  It is all stacked up in the garage.  One by one I will go through the each bin and rediscover what I have.  Fun.  Shane and I took Amtrak up to Milwaukee.  Visited with Mom and Dad, enjoyed a nice home cooked meal, got to see Tim and Julia.  Picked up the U-Haul the next morning, headed out to Scott and Barb's, emptied the loft in the barn, loaded up the truck and headed back.  Stopped at the A&W along 94 in Racine for lunch, went about 30mph through Chicago, got home safely, unloaded, returned the truck, went out to dinner.  Now I'm considering which bin to start with.

Monday, September 13, 2010

worker bee

It was an experience.  I attended an Apple hiring event today.  It was by invitation only, I submitted my resume several weeks ago and the company contacted me.  There were about forty people assembled at the local Hilton Inn for the occasion.  Upon checking in, we were herded down a hallway leading to the conference room.  Along the way there were Apple employees cheering, applauding, high-fiving.  Maddening.  Once settled into our seats, name tags prominently displayed, employee introductions made, the event got under way.  Everyone present was expected to participate.  First a brief slide presentation on Apple (company and products).  Discussion.  Then eveyone got paired up.  The object of the exercise, meet and interview your "new friend" and introduce them to the group.  The interview consisted of three things: name, unique characteristic, what they like about Apple.  My "new friend" liked to talk about herself.  Maddening.  All the while this was going on, the Apple employees wandered around the room, clipboard in hand, writing things down.  Maddening.  Then time for the introductions.  Then another slide presentation about positions available within Apple.  More discussion.  Then another exercise.  Everyone was divided into groups of five (my "new friend" was included in my group).  There was a dice with a question on each side.  Everyone had to roll the dice and answer the question that came up.  I learned more about my "new friend" when it was her turn, even though she really didn't directly answer the question.  After that there was forms to fill out, some last minute instruction, and the event concluded.  With cheers, applause, high-fives.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Originally it was going to be the dining room and kitchen that would get new paint, fixtures.  Then it was decided that the main bathroom should get updated, decorated.  The office ended up getting a nice new coat of paint today.  The closet shelfing unit got ripped out and a new one will be installed.  It has sparked the renovation, once the office is done, another room will undergo a transformation.  One thing I am not looking forward to doing is removing the ugly wallpaper borders in the dining room, living room, and guest bedrooms. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

a view from the bridge again

The St Joseph's River in Mishawaka.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

writing (or lack of)

I haven't been in the mood to write much lately, posts have been dwindling, content has been slight.  Not sure if it's writer's block, loss of interest, lack of inspiration, laziness.  I do think about getting something going and that's just about how far I get.  I think changes are needed, to get me writing consistently again, more substantial entries.  Have no fear, I will post in the mean time when the need/mood strikes.  I'm still taking a picture a day, unpacking the house, lounging on the couch, looking for a job, hanging out with friends, cats, cleaning the pool.  Oh you should see me wrestle with the pool vacuum.  Never realized you needed to be coordinated to work one of those things.  I do drop a mean chlorine tablet into the filter though.  Feeling great, no aches, pains, phantom discomforts.  Enjoying the lazy days of Summer, starting to want it to last forever (a sign that Fall is encroaching.)  That's about it for now, more when I give more. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

oh ah Atomic

Tonight I am going to get lucky.  Going to see a concert at the Horseshoe Casino.  Get to sit down at slot machines too.  How awsome is that?  I dubbed thee mattAtomic at one time for two varied reasons.  Most know it for the chemicals associated with the treatments for Lymphoma I went through.  The little known fact is one of my all time favorite songs happens to be called Atomic, sung by, you guessed it, Blondie!  Now it all makes sense.  Shane, Beth, and I will be taking a trip, grooving to the sounds of the casino, and rocking to the music.  It's a win, win, win situation for me!  How lucky can you get?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

clean and clear

The pool.  Many gallons of shock and acid were used.  Many hours of running the filter were used.  Many thoughts of will it ever go from cesspool (the condition it was left in) to swimming pool (the current condition it is in) were thought.  Now to maintain for the weeks remaining until swimming season is done for the year.  Fun.  Not so much fun.  It's a fine balance, much like the pH.  So easy, so complex.  It makes my head swim.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Days go fast.  Settling into the new home.  Things are getting unpacked.  Things are getting done.  After ten days, there is finally Internet, Phone, Home Security. (I felt lost and empty without the Internet, so much nicer being connected.)  New appliances have arrived, some need to be installed (next week).  The pool goes from a green shade to a blue shade to a murky pale shade on a daily basis.  Working on getting cool clear water continues.  I am bound and determined to get the pool functioning while there is still warm weather.  Tearing out weeds, plants, trees (well one tree actually) in the yard.  Picking colors for each room, dreading removing the borders in the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Oh yeah, I celebrated another birthday during the week.  Mexican food and margaritas with a good bunch of friends.  Things are coming together nicely.

Monday, August 2, 2010

in between

By and large the move went well.  Well, it went perfect to be exact.  Started out at 9:00am Saturday with a good old fashioned coffee and donut social.  Then the loading of the moving truck began.  Two truckloads and it was lunch time, sloppy joes, chips.  Another truckload and a half later things were pretty much finished.  5:00pm.  No dilemnas, no hassles.  Closing on the current house occurred on Friday, signed, sealed, no issues.  Closing on the new house was scheduled for early today.  It did not happen.  Still processing paperwork.  Luckily the homestead is still in the possession until Midnight Tuesday.  If everything goes as planned, the door to the current house will close for the last time tomorrow evening.  Until then, I sleep on the bare floor at one house while the belongings cover the floor space of the new house.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the web


I have found out that I do not like them very much, they creep me out. 

One night I felt like something was watching me, looked up, and on the wall over my head was the largest spider I have seen or encountered.  My general rule is as long as they are out of arms length from me, they live.  In this case I couldn't.  I had to get rid of the nasty spider. 

There is a spider in the jeep.  It continuosly spins a web over the dashboard and steering wheel.  I have not been able to locate it to exterminate. 

I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner when I saw a good sized spider crawling across the side of the refrigerator.  It had a very distinct white spots on its body.  It scared the hell out of me and I scrambled into the living room.  I searched the Internet to see what kind of spider it was.  The Phidippus Audax, a common jumping spider.  I went back into the kitchen to see if I could find it.  I did.  Crawling on my leg.  I screamed, swatted, missed.

Several days later I was riding in Shane's car.  We were picking up supplies and things for the move.  Guess what?  There was a spider with distinct white spots crawling up my leg onto my knee.  I screamed, tried to flick the damn thing out the window, but didn't succeed.  Frantically I searched the area to find the spider, found it on the floor, stepped on it.

Ick.  Spiders.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

on the horizon

It started on Friday night 9:00pm.  Sky darkened.  Opened up.  Lights flickered.  Power out.  Lightning, thunder.  Rain.  it continued throughout the night.  Power on about 4:45am.  Rain continued.  Stopped around 10:00am.  Sun ventured out.  Heated up.  Heat advisory.  Humid.  Dinner with friends.  Shopping.  Clouding up.  More storms.  Overnight.  Today sun, heat, picnic.  One week of packing boxes.  Next weekend is the move.  I am using bubble wrap.  (FUN!) 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Factual Data

In the production of The Lion King on Broadway, 3000 stalks of grass are used for the Grasslands headdresses each year.

More than 30 tons of fruits and vegetables grown at The Land pavilion at Epcot are served in Walt Disney World restaurants.

At The Tower of Terror, the elevators don't freefall, they are actually pulled downward faster than the acceleration of gravity.  FUN!!!

Walt Disney World Resort is roughly the size of San Francisco at 30,500 acres.

Many of the faces of the pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean are modeled on those of the Imagineers (the park’s artists and engineers) who created the ride.  One face was modeled on Walt Disney’s.

During the production of Up, the Animation Department produced an average of 4 seconds of animation a week.

The fountain at Epcot Innoventions Plaza can shoot water 150 feet in the air, within 30 feet of the top of Spaceship Earth.  If all of the shooters were fired at once, there would be 2,000 gallons of water in the air.

Depending on the occasion, Mickey Mouse has 175 different sets of outfits ranging from a scuba suit to a tuxedo to wear. Minnie Mouse's wardrobe contains some 200 outfits including everything from a cheerleader ensemble to evening gowns.

*all information and images provided and copyrighted by WDC.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

once upon a time

Road trip to Milwaukee.  Side trip to Chicago.  Road trip to Battle Creek.  All the miles put on the Jeep.  It was well worth the trips.  Seeing family, spending time together.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

toying around

Saw Toy Story 3 3D.  What a movie.  Incredible.  Heartwarming.  Heartwrenching.  Right from the opening sequence it grabbed me, had me.  Wow.  The animated short accompanying the movie, Day & Night was a fun frolic using hand drawn and computer animation.  Disney and Pixar have created a fitting sequel to a wonderful story.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

staring at the walls

June is almost over.  Yikes.  Another month being unemployed.  Soon things are going to run out.  Every day I search the papers, search online for work.  As much as I like lazing about, I am bored.  I need to do something.  Dare I say I will do anything?  My only requirement, health benefits.  Anything.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

word search

Been thinking about a friend.  A friend who is battling cancer.  A friend whose battle is almost over.  Unsettled by the thought of losing my friend.  Unsettled that I can't find the right words to express my sorrow.  I remain silent.  A week ago she sent me a touching email thanking me for being there, for being a good person, for being her friend.  I replied that I considered her an angel for being there for me, for being my friend.  She was saying goodbye.  I am having a problem saying goodbye.  They were moments, conversations, mostly with coffee, books.  Now I'm at a loss for words.  Been thinking a lot about my friend.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

window shopping

Another day, another storm.  It seems that every day has included darkened skies, flashes of light, rumbles of thunder, moments of heavy downpours.  Every day also includes brilliant sun, warm temperatures, high humidity.  Summer.  The four cats got packed up and went for a drive this morning while the building inspector went through the house.  I drove past the future homesteads, explaining to the kitties the features of each home.  Then we drove passed other houses for sale.  Then we went through the drive thru at Starbucks, visited Shane at work, sat in the parking lot outside of Target, through two rainstorms until it was time for home.  The cats were glad to get out of their cages.  Then back to the jeep and more looking at houses . . .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

sixth view from the bridge

The St Joseph's River in Mishawaka.   Looking west on the riverwalk pedestrian bridge.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

art festival

After a second round of storms overnight, the sun was shining when I got up this morning.  Saturday morning is cleaning time.  Two hours later, headed out into the city.  The storm wreaked havoc, power outages, trees down citywide, guess we were lucky to still have electricity.  Ended up at the local art festival down by the river.  Lots of artists showing their work.  I ended up getting some fresh squeezed lemonade. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

blue moon, green skies

Hot and humid today.  Sun gave way to storms.  The remnants of a severe thunderstorm is still making noise as I type.  Went to the drive in for dinner, hamburger, fries, and a shake.  I had a blue moon.  While eating, Shane and I watched the storm move closer.  We finished eating, then headed out.  Drove west, to the leading edge of the storm.  First the sky was dark, turned aqua, then green.  We turned toward home.  The rain started, the wind kicked up.  Saw trees down in the road, on parked cars.  Pulled in the driveway, lightning bugs lighting the yard, ran for the door, and into the house.  Power went out, started up, rain, lightning, thunder, wind.  The skies have lightened up now, still raining, occasional rumble of thunder, the worst has moved through the area.  I wonder if the fireworks downtown will still be shown tonight.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

farmers market

The farmers market has so much.  Fresh.  What do you get when there is so much to choose from?  Asparagus.  Strawberries.  Cherries.  When that's gone, more fresh fruits and vegetables await.  There were crafts, spices, candies, coffee, even a cafe offering breakfast and lunch specials.  It's open year round.  I'd rather buy from the local farmer's than from the grocery store anytime!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


(word play on weekend.)

Just like last weekend, storms moved through the area on Saturday night.  All around there were severe weather warnings except here in the city.  As the storm passed, it wasn't as threatening as it had been.  After it went on by, it built back up.  Shane, Doug, and I watched the storm while dining on a "Porky the Pie" pizza with "Hippie" crust.  Ham, Sausage, Pepperoni, Bacon, and Mushrooms on a whole wheat crust.  It was very tasty, very delicious, very decadent.  Afterward, we headed out for a movie (Shrek Forever After) and ice cream (Kit Kat Concrete Mixer).

Last Weekend Shane and I were at the pet store buying cat food and litter.  We always check out the kitties looking for homes while there.  There was an adorable Seal Point Siamese with slightly crossed eyes that caught both of our attention.  The next day we both admitted that he had really made quite an impression.  We went back to look at him again and he had just been adopted by a family with kids.  We both said we would have gotten him had he been there.  We spoke to the kitty adoption people about what a remarkable cat he was.  The woman took Shane's name and number.  Earlier this week, Shane got a phone call.  The cat was available if he wanted him.

His name is Buford.  He joined the household this weekend.

Friday, June 11, 2010

here comes the rain

Hot and humid.  Sun this morning as I ran out to apply for a job in person (gasp).  I am not used to wearing business casual clothing (dress pants, polo, socks, dress shoes).   Clouded up over the lunch hour.  Rained.  Thundered.  Lightninged.  Rained some more.  Sun, heat, humidity.  Another round of storms rolling through.  The weekend is supposed to be hot, humid, rainy.  Summer.

Monday, June 7, 2010

sounds of summer

Mowed the lawn today.  It was cool, comfortable, sunny.  Perfect day to get outside.  Over the rumbling of the engine I could hear birds chirping, calling.  I could hear kids playing.  I thought about putting on headphones to listen to music, but hearing the world around me was rythmic enough.  Squirrels rustling in the trees, the cats meowing in the window.  Ahh the sounds of Summer.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today is National Doughnut Day!  So I had to celebrate.  Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts both were offering a free doughnut.  No DD's in the area, so KK's got the business.  A doughnut (lemon cake) and a mocha.  Enjoyed it. Watched the process of making the doughnut from rising, frying, glazing, to boxing.  I was so compelled to buy a dozen just because!  Sour Cream, Blueberry, Chocolate, Original, Lemon.  Happy National Doughnut Day!

(They should give me a job.)

(No they shouldn't.  I'd eat way too many.)

(four days into the month and every picture taken so far has been of food.)

(Doughnut or Donut?)

Now I want another.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

food for thought

Had reservations today.  At Chick-Fil-A.  The new spicy chicken sandwich.  Free.  Seated in the Spicy VIP section of the restaurant.  The menu included the sandwich, large beverage, side order, dessert.  Being a fan of the place, I had to try it.  It was spicy.  Grilled out last evening.  Marinated pork chops in red wine, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, garlic, and ginger for 8 hours.  Grilled the pork chops and corn on the cob.  Turned out excellent, one of the better grilled meals so far this grilling season.  The day before burgers with pepper jack cheese, grilled onions.  The day before that chicken breasts marinated in pina colada and lemon juice and pepper.  In between all that and the ice cream and sherbet, I am dieting!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Just like that it's June.  Sixth month into the year already.  Season of thunderstorms, hot weather, shorts, tshirts, flips, ice cream, festivals.  Season of job searches, lawn mowing, weed pulling, car washing.  Weekend was fast and furious, dining out, movie night, pancake breakfast, shopping, planting.  Every day there is something to keep me occupied. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

long week long weekend

The sun was/is out full force.  Temperature 70s, 80s.  The week seemed long, I really need to get a job.  It does help that I can get out in the yard and cultivate.  Memorial day weekend, great for running around.  Did laundry, pizza'd on Friday, got to the mall and bookstore today, Famous Dave's for ribs and chicken strips tonight oh, and sweet potato!  Tomorrow yard work, and more running.  Enjoy the weekend, enjoy the holiday!